
Art of The Brick Expo – for all shapes

“The Art of the Brick Exhibition running in the Zone at Rosebank is a marvel, something that appeals to all ages and all types,” writes DAVID KATZ. Read his review, check out the pics and see why its one of the most popular exhibits of all types in in the world right now! Next week SAJR Online will be giving away thousands of rand worth of tickets. STAY TUNED…




LEGO® Exhibition for all shapes & sizes

The Art of the Brick Exhibition running in the Zone at Rosebank is a LEGO® marvel. It is something that appeals to all ages and all types. Like any good art exhibit it means something different to each individual. You take out from it a personal experience and appreciation for the art work. Be it as an art or toy enthusiast.

The lowdown

The collection is the work of New York-based artist, Nathan Sawaya. He creates awe-inspiring works of art out of some of the most unlikely things.

His latest project was inspired by the universally known toy brick manufacturer, LEGO®. Almost every person, at some point in their life, has been exposed to LEGO®.

It sees an immediate intrigue as to what an exhibition may entail.

The beauty of this exhibition is that the artist really showcases the versatility of LEGO® as well as bringing his own personal artistic flare into the work. There are eye catching pieces, like a giant sized tyrannosaurus rex skeleton.

There are pieces that are based on famous pieces of artwork and architecture. And there are personal pieces that were inspired by personal experiences.  

For the Art Lover

You leave the exhibition having really felt the artistic experience.  

There is so much to appreciate. The way he is able to take these “toys” and mould them into masterpieces that really speak to you, is incredibly rewarding to see.

I personally felt a lot of the pieces,

 most notably the section of his personally inspired pieces.

LEFT: The swimmer

It’s amazing how he develops a 3D feel to the bricks, and when it comes to bodies he really manages to encompass all of the human shape. 


A very important element to the exhibition is the lighting. While the pieces are magnificent on their own, the way they are lit brings them to life.

As a person who enjoys the arts, but probably doesn’t experience as much as I would like, this was an extremely artistic uplifting experience.

For the Child at Heart

Whether you are five or 55, if you know what LEGO®is about you will be like a kid in a candy store. Children go crazy.

RIGHT: Watch for our free ticket competition next week

 While they cannot experience the art as an adult would, they are just as inspired by the work. They don’t tend to linger on pieces as much, but love what has been done with this fabled toy.

It is also what makes the Exhibit so universal. Even if you are not a massive art lover, you really appreciate what Nathan Sawaya has created out of LEGO®. The scale of it, the texture of the pieces, the bright spectrum of colours, make for an all-round rewarding experience.

The real joy for kids, big and small, comes as you exit the Exhibition. You are greeted by a wall of LEGO® TV games to play. Even more impressive is the tables where you can site and build LEGO® and Duplo. Children and parents sit playing with the bricks, creating their own works having been inspired by what they’ve just seen.

Where and When

The Art of the Brick Exhibition is running in the Zone at Rosebank until 2 August. Tickets cost R140 for adults and R95 for children.


There are also family packages, student/pensioner discounts, and a reduced school-group fee. For more information you can visit their website.

Israeli team 2nd in Joburg world champs

A team of Israeli high-schoolers took their national title and last month came second place in the World Lego Robotics Champs held in Joburg. 


The mind boggles at the 12 eighth graders from Modiin (SEE PICTURE BELOW).

The international Lego robotics competition required creating robots out of Lego, programmed and fine-tuned to mathematical equations.

These imaginative building blocks, marketed originally as toys for the very young, have come a long way. Suzanne Belling’s story tells of the precision of the robots built by the teens, and what else they had to do to win….

The award-winning Israeli Kipa Bots team that took second place among 44 teams in an international Lego robotics competition in Johannesburg, Sigal Uziel-Karl, mentor; Lishay Ein Dor; Eshel Sinclair; David Grunfeld; Omer Avidar; Matan Kriel; Matan Rynhold; Shalev Zeiger; Oren Ansbacher; Yona Gil Zeller; Omri Kingsley; Rafi Cohen; Noam Maissel; and Yosi Karl, mentor


  1. Denis Solomons

    June 18, 2015 at 7:17 am

    ‘Sound like an interesting exhibition !

    I suppose that one needs lego blocks to enter the competition .

    One can build a rendition of the kottel ! ?  ‘

  2. Elona Steinfeld

    June 25, 2015 at 7:35 am

    ‘This is an outstanding Lego exhibition. Nathan Sawaya is a master craftsman.  Well worth seeing. My only gripe is that the lighting is not perfect and some of the objects are therefore not well displayed.

  3. Denis Solomons

    July 13, 2015 at 7:59 am

    ‘One of my favourite comic characters was the \”Thing \” of the Fantastic Four ( Marvel Comics .)

    One would need a whole lot of orange blocks to build him and some baby blue blocks for his eyes and then one could build him taking on the hulk !

    Do you think there are enough green lego blocks to build this behemoth ?

    As the Thing would say \” nuff said . \” ‘

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