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Attack on Pittsburgh shul is attack on Jews everywhere




In the wake of the tragedy, the World Jewish Congress led a delegation to Pittsburgh to show solidarity with the community. The delegation brought messages of support from Jewish communities throughout the world. The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) stressed that what occurred in Pittsburgh could just as well have taken place anywhere else in the world. The crime was one entirely driven by hatred for the Jewish people, and as such, it was an attack on all Jews, everywhere. In mourning the victims of the atrocity, we also pledged anew “our unstinting commitment, in partnership with global Jewry, to combating the scourge of anti-Semitism, as well as all other forms of prejudice”.

Terrorists aim not only to kill and maim their chosen victims, but to spread feelings of fear and insecurity within the targeted group. In recognition of this, the American Jewish Committee has launched a #ShowUpForShabbat initiative, whereby Jews everywhere are urged to attend synagogue services this coming Shabbat. The SAJBD is driving the initiative in South Africa, and I urge as many of our community as possible to support it. Through it, we will express a united stand against hate and anti-Semitism, while at the same time showing our determination to affirm our Jewish identity publicly, regardless of those who mean us harm.

While refusing to be intimidated, we also need to take another lesson from the Pittsburgh tragedy, namely how crucial it is for Jewish organisations everywhere to be security-conscious and to take sensible steps to ensure the safety of their installations.

In this area, the Community Security Organisation is playing a critical role, but it is reliant on the support and co-operation of the greater Jewish community. Those volunteers who stand outside our shuls and schools perform a critical role. By maintaining a visible presence, being constantly aware of their environment, and reporting all suspicious or unexplained activity that comes to their notice, they ensure that anyone who means our community harm will not be able to take us unawares, and that in the event of an attack, there are appropriate procedures to deal with it.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.
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