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I write this article from the Prizmah Jewish Day School Conference in Boston, where I have come together with 1 500 educators from around the world...
I heard a wonderful podcast some months ago with Rabbi Ido Fachter, the head of Beit Midrash LeMaaseh (the Practical Beit Midrash), in which he engages...
The past 50 days have given us a new appreciation of our Jewish greeting: “shalom”. When I was a young boy, I was taught that “shalom”...
Jewish tradition has a unique way of associating our chagim with smells, tastes, and sounds. Is there anything that tugs on our hearts in the same...
One of the most famous topics of the double parsha of Chukat and Balak is the Para Aduma, the red cow that, when used correctly, has...
In describing the goals of the Mishkan and the service of the Kohanim, Hashem uses a strange expression. “I will dwell amongst the children of Israel,...
Bechukotai starts with a famous invitation from Hashem, “If you will walk in my laws…” after which He lists the many blessings that we will receive...
One of my teachers, Rabbi David Aaron, tells the story of a seminar he once ran teaching people new depths of meaning for our ancient traditions....
In this week’s parsha, Hashem tells us of the building materials that were required to create the beautiful Mishkan, the tabernacle – opening with gold, silver,...
עַל אֵלֶּה אֲנִי בוֹכִיָּה עֵינִי עֵינִי יֹרְדָה מַּיִם (For this I weep – tears stream from my eyes.) (Eicha/Lamentations 1:16) It’s this verse, that for so many...
In Vayeitzei, we once again experience Yaakov’s wonderful dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven, on which angels ascend and descend whilst Hashem promises protection...
I remember once being peripherally involved in a community dispute (a rare occurrence in Jewish life to be sure) some years ago. Discontent had been bubbling...
It’s no coincidence, our sages say, that much of the story of the exodus revolves around water. Jewish babies are cast into the river Nile, and...
I was 20 years old when I met one of the greatest rabbis of recent times – Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. A genius with an almost...
“May my words fall like rain, may my speech flow like dew.” So goes the introduction to Moshe’s famous speech using evocative imagery. As he speaks...
I’d like to tell you an idea about Yom Kippur, but to do so I must explain a lesson from my childhood. If you had a...