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A sublime idea can be gleaned from the opening verse of this week’s portion. To preface it, however, a few questions need to be asked. In...
The name of the portion this week is “Ekev”. The word, “ekev” has a double meaning. Ekev means the heel of a foot, and it also...
As the people were busying themselves gathering the spoils of the Egyptian cavalry who had drowned in the Sea of Reeds and washed ashore, Moses, we’re...
The penultimate portion in the lead-up to Rosh Hashanah is Ki Tavo. An essential message is contained in the “living Torah” to each of us in...
This week’s Haftorah deals with one of Jewish history’s most enigmatic characters, the mighty Samson. Samson strategically tackled the challenge the Jewish people faced at the...
This Torah portion is named after Jethro, the chief idolatrous priest of his time, who eventually joined the ranks of the Jews. Rashi says it was...
I recall one Shabbos, walking back from the Lions Shul in Doornfontein to Orchards, when I experienced one of many unusual encounters over thousands of walks...
The people complained that they were thirsty. G-d commanded Moses to “speak to the rock” to produce water. Instead of speaking to the rock, he...
This week’s Haftorah (Jeremiah Chapter 7 & 9) concludes with the powerful verse: “Thus says the Lord: let not the wise man praise and boast of...
What’s the key to the blessings we need from Hashem? One such approach is hinted at in the opening words of this week’s portion, “Vayigash eilav...
When they get going, there’s no stopping the sensational green and gold. They instil fear and trepidation into the hearts of their opposition. Blink, and you...
One could find fewer more appropriate metaphors for the story of the Jewish people than that of a long and rigorous marathon in which the baton...
In the month of Nissan, in which the redemption from Egypt took place, there is a Talmudic discussion about the time of the future redemption. Rabbi...
The story of Jewish history is unique among all civilisations. No nation has been confronted with adversity as it has and survived. Yet the Jewish people...
The thrill-a-minute Rugby 7s have captured the hearts of fans around the world. The Blitzbokke, South Africa’s national Rugby 7s team, ranks second in the world,...
Today [Rosh Hashanah] is the birthday of the world. Everything we know came into being on this day except the creator of all things. Why did...