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In 2020, just as we were ready to celebrate Pesach, the time of our freedom, COVID-19 ensured that freedom as we knew it was a thing...
Unapologetically a “real mom” – of four boys between the ages of five and 12 – Casey Shevel is all about authenticity. In her hilarious book,...
Between images of bombed buildings, desperate refugees and injured soldiers and civilians, it’s easy to see why our children may be distressed by the war in...
With ever-changing COVID-19 travel regulations, family reunions have been repeatedly delayed. Now that most international borders have reopened, many are finally getting the chance to see...
It’s why grocery shopping is a minefield. It’s why watching the cooking channel can be torturous. It’s why I stood in a queue for more than...
“Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights.” The immortal lyrics of actor/singer-songwriter Adam Sandler may not strictly reflect reality – at least...
Internationally distinguished but refreshingly humble, Professor Lucille Blumberg, epidemiologist and former deputy director of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, has devoted her life to the...
Cara Saven, the founder and chief executive of Cara Saven Wall Design, isn’t just fulfilling her company promise of “transforming spaces around the globe, one wall...
This year’s joint winners of the Community Service Award epitomise the strong foundation on which South African Jewish life is built. Rabbi Yossy and Rebbetzin Rochel...
They’re best known as the co-founders of renowned retail pharmacy chain Dis-Chem, but for married couple Lynette and Ivan Saltzman, true success lies in the ability...
Probably the most successful musical export South Africa has ever seen, Manfred Mann has long been out of the spotlight. Yet, at 81, he remains a...
A thread that weaves its way through different generations, a powerful way to connect and express ourselves creatively, music has been a unifying force in numerous...
Rosh Hashanah shakes us out of our complacency, forcing us to make changes. This has also been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic, say psychologists, who...
A time for beginnings and endings, Rosh Hashanah will be especially poignant for families who face recent or looming emigration. “Out of all the yomtavim, Rosh...
“Women feel we have to be superheroes, but it’s being vulnerable that really makes us into supermoms,” says Feige Swimmer. Together with Devorah Rothman, Swimmer is...
Dance is a powerful tool in the fight for social justice and healing those impacted by conflict. These topics as well the ability of dance to...
Master’s graduates, performing artists, business owners – if the people behind these success stories had allowed themselves to be defined by their learning difficulties, they may...
Born into a Christian family, South African born Rebbetzin Elisheva Goldschmidt never felt that she quite belonged. When a trip to Israel sparked a passion for...
Offering weekly menus, baked goods, Shabbat meals, and yom tov specialties, home-based cooks aren’t just sustaining the community through their delicious meals, they’re also building viable...
What do chametz, COVID-19, and Netflix tidying guru Marie Kondo have in common? They’re all contributing to the current cleaning craze. As we comb our houses...
The Jews may have wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping slavery, but that’s not where the term “wandering Jew” originates. In fact, it’s...
This year has catapulted us out of our comfort zones, leaving many feeling anxious and emotionally depleted. Yet there are also those who have actively sought...
Calmness, self-acceptance, renewed energy, positivity. All states many are craving in a year that’s been defined by unprecedented change and anxiety. The SA Jewish Report looks at some...
When a former ultra-Orthodox student at the illustrious Ponevezh Yeshiva created one of Israel’s biggest international television series, he was worried he would be ostracised by...
During the COVID-19 crisis, we’re battling three pandemics – a health pandemic, a financial pandemic, and an emotional pandemic. Nowhere is the pandemic of loneliness, anxiety,...
Whether it be through healthcare, altruism, or leadership, many women have made their mark in fighting against COVID-19 or simply helping others survive this pandemic. There...
Having largely been confined to our four walls over the past few months, many of us have finally tackled those home-improvement projects. Whether we’re doing it...
Once a hot commodity, office space is fast becoming the exception rather than the rule. COVID-19 may have sparked the shift to home offices, but it’s...