
Battle plans and our secret weapon
The Torah gives us a profound psychological insight into the nature of human beings. This life-changing concept gives us the tools to do the work required to achieve spiritual greatness.
We have within us two powerful inclinations. The first is our altruistic striving for truth, goodness, and morality – our positive inclination. This is challenged by the other part of our being, our self-centeredness and insatiable appetite for power and pleasure – the negative inclination.
These two controlling forces are engaged in constant battle. The challenge of life is to become aware of this inner struggle, detecting the true motivation behind our intentions and behaviour. Our purpose is to strengthen and follow our positive inclination, thereby defeating our lower self. This is a constant battle throughout our lives.
The Torah reading this week makes a clear reference to this struggle. “When you go out to war against your enemy and Hashem delivers him into your hands…” (Devarim 21:10). Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch explains that instead of addressing the entire army, the verse uses the singular form “you” referring to each individual. The classic work of Kabbalah, the Zohar, explains that the enemy referred to here is also the negative inclination, and only Hashem can deliver the enemy into our hands.
To win a war, a person first needs to recognise the presence and threat of the enemy. Then, they must develop the correct strategy and tactics. The Chofetz Chaim (1838-1933) points out that the words, “When you go out to war” imply that a person can win this fight only if they are aware of the battle and engage in combat.
If we passively let nature take its course and choose not to fight, we have no chance of winning this war. The negative inclination will do all it can to sabotage and destroy our life. Unfortunately, we see this all around us.
Our mission is first to see the enemy, then develop a battle plan and employ the correct weapons. Understanding the Torah view of life, learning Torah, and observing the mitzvos are powerful artillery in this war. Our secret weapon is turning to Hashem for assistance. Only with Hashem’s help can we overcome this powerful adversary.