
BD warns on Pesach chickens from PnP

The kashrut division of the Johannesburg Beth Din has issued a Kosher Alert regarding the purchase of Pesachdik chickens from Pick n Pay. The Beth Din warns that they “have been informed that some non Pesachdik stock has found its way into the Pesach section at Pick n Pay Norwood.” Although the BD mentions PnP three times, it is probably good advice to check in any case at all outlets.




“All Kosher chickens purchased from Pick n Pay for Pesach must bear the Pesach label,” warns the Beth Din in a Kosher Alert issued this afternoon – although their advice is probably good for wherever one buys.

“Please be aware, that all kosher chickens purchased from Pick n Pay for Pesach, must bear the Pesach label, say the Beth Din. “We have been informed that some non-Pesachdik stock has found its way into the Pesach section at Pick n Pay Norwood that do not bare the Pesach label and are not Kosher for Pesach.

“Please make sure to look for the label before buying chicken at Pick n Pay,” they ad at the end – just in case the recipient didn’t get the message clearly enough.

1 Comment

  1. Perogen

    April 12, 2016 at 5:59 am

    ‘Oy Vay what a Skande’

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