
BDS asks for some Israeli technology please

BDS-SA asks: Please sponsor smartphones. So the biggest sponsors of Israeli tech want us to donate some to them? The Embassy maybe…




Tongue in cheek

in a newsletter sent out this week, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel in South Africa (BDS-SA) organisation, which is the local arm of the US-based anti-Israel NGO that promotes boycotting of the Holy Land in every sphere, asked for a  cell phone donation or sponsorship.

“Do you own a cellphone (sic!) store or company?” asked BDS in their newsletter. “Can you consider sponsoring a cellphone (sic!) contract and/or donating a smartphone to BDS South Africa.” (sic!)

One can only assume that the organisation knows full well that the cell phone was developed in Israel and that multiple Israeli patents are used in the manufacture of every “smart phone” – which they illustrated, that is manufactured.

RIGHT: A screenshot from this
week’s BDS-SA newsletter

So, as this writer understand it, the world’s biggest organisation pushing to boycott any and all Israeli technology, even with regard to health and food security, is actually pleading for asking for someone to either sponsor or donate anything from an old phone to cell phone contracts – despite the devices, like computers and tablets, packed full of Israeli innovation will be used to promote a boycott of Israeli technology and products?

How then, can BDS-SA suggest that South Africa not use life-saving Israeli medical technology?

How does the organisation justify pushing so hard for drought-ravaged South African farmers not to consider using Israel’s world-beating water and farming technology?

How can the BDS organisation function without ICT technology?

They can’t, of course, but they do want everyone else to…


  1. nat cheiman

    March 2, 2016 at 1:21 pm

    ‘Idiots. They also believe that the earth is flat.

    And that the stork brings babies.’

  2. Moses

    March 8, 2016 at 8:54 am

    ‘what shit  Next you will say the Zionist invented life and thar God is their baby brother  Zionist living in fools paradise   Zionists are liars  They now begininning to believe their lies  Next they believe that they were conceived thro their mothers anal passages   Zionists get $40 billion of aid a year from the US  The citizens of the US are unaware of these Zionists pigs  ‘

  3. nat cheiman

    March 11, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    ‘Moses. Get an education you halfwit’

  4. Jonni

    March 15, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    ‘Moses the immaturity of your response is overwhelming.

    Take a tablet !!’

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