
BDS claims hollow academic boycott victory

OPINION & ANALYSIS – On Monday 4 May the South African affiliate of the US-based NGO, “Boycott Divest and Sanction (Israel),” BDS-SA proudly espoused that five SA universities’ Student Representative Councils (SRC’s) had joined an academic boycott of Israel. But the cooing should whimper out when the organisations realise that their victory is toothless, and is more anti-South African than anything else.





BDS and their anti-Israeli cohorts will stop bragging and should whimper out when these organisations realise that their victory is toothless, and that they are being more anti-South African than anything else.


BDS’ resolution, they said, follows SA’s “minister of higher education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande’s call and support for the academic boycott.”

University of South Africa, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Durban University of Technology, Mangasutho University of Technology and the University of the Western Cape SRCs have now, supposedly, implemented “an academic and cultural boycott of Israel.” So what?

“This day will go down in history,” cooed BDS. And then they must have wondered why their historical announcement was not carried in any of the media. SRCs have nothing at all to do with the decision-making processes of universities in this regard.

They bragged that they were joining “the revolutionary decision by the University of Johannesburg that in 2011 terminated its relations with Israel’s Ben Gurion University.” That decision certainly wasn’t effected by UJs SRC.

The reality of the situation is that trade, services and tourism between SA and Israel are growing at a record pace.

RIGHT: The basket of fruit and veg that Lenk handed to Zuma as a gift on presenting his credentials. The produce was grown in all 9 SA provinces and all with Israeli assistance

Reality is a far cry from perception. Pragmatism trumps ideology. When the present Israeli Ambassador, Arthur Lenk, presented his credentials to President Zuma, he hand Zuma a basket of fruit and vegetables grown in all nine SA Provinces and with the assistance of Israeli technology and services. It was a master-stroke of diplomatic wisdom.

Last month, Prof Ronnie Friedman from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem told Jewish Report that Israeli drip irrigation systems are commonly used throughout SA. Other areas of cooperation include crop sciences; and seed development and production.

One of the biggest areas in which Israel is currently assisting SA, said Friedman, was in regard to bees. “South Africa is losing bees fast, he said, and this could have a catastrophic impact on the pollination of crops. The Hebrew U research project is being co-funded by the SA government, local agricultural interests and the Israelis had even raised money from overseas. Hebrew U, said Friedman, has been tasked with coming up with a solution – something that they were well on the way to delivering.

BDS-SA crowed that Israel is “proving itself to be anti-children, anti-student and anti-education,” they said, while they themselves were “here to stand for peace, justice and equality.”

In reality, it is exactly that which Israel strives for at home and in South Africa. The value of the Israeli contribution to the SA economy is enormous and creates far more sustainable jobs in SA than in Israel. It creates entrepreneurs, transfers skills and asks for little in return. 



  1. bds works

    May 6, 2015 at 8:12 am

    ”And then they must have wondered why their historical announcement was not carried in any of the media’ are you sure about that Ant?

  2. nat cheiman

    May 6, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    ‘South Africa does not deserve Israels help. These idiots would amputate their arms and legs and claim victory.

    The same way that Hamas and Hezbollah claimed victory when each had over 6 billion dollars damage to their land and thousands were killed.

    These types are brainless thugs who spew venom and eat their own.’

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