
BDS couldn’t scupper excellent Conference

I would like to begin my column this week by congratulating the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) on an outstanding conference this past weekend and in particular thank and acknowledge Avrom Krengel for his unswerving commitment to our community during his 13 years as president of this important communal organisation.




The Board and the SAZF work closely together on a number of issues and the success of this relationship has been due in no small part to Avrom’s leadership. I would also like to wish Ben Swartz and his executive all the very best as he takes over the helm.

Nothing could overshadow the glittering occasion of the Conference, when a star-studded line-up of speakers kept the audience gripped with the challenges and the pride that our beloved State of Israel present us – not even the ugly BDS protest.

On Sunday, protesters outside the Conference yelled expletives and hideous insults, making it clear once again that the aim of the demonstration, in the protesters’ own words, was to ‘’shut down Sandton”.

When their attempts at doing so failed, it became apparent that the rally was nothing more than a front to stoke up Jew hatred in South Africa. The BDS protest was part of the Israel Apartheid Week (IAW), a week in which one is able to say whatever one wants about Israel, however offensive or untrue it may be.

It is uplifting to note the unadulterated success our resilient students university on campuses around the country experienced during IAW. Their overwhelming message of peace and dialogue as the key to transformation, was truly a dignified response to this hate-fest. Their guests, Bassam Eid and Father Naddaf, among others, as I mentioned last week, reinforced their success. Kol hakavod to SAUJS around the country.

The bullying tactics of the BDS movement were typified by Deputy Minister Obed Bapela who spoke at the protest and falsely attacked the SAJBD. One would expect a more measured and dignified tone from a government official and we certainly are examining our rights to take this unfortunate incident further.  

The constant attempts by the BDS movement to disrupt our functions were once again unsuccessful. We reiterate that it is every South African citizen’s constitutional right to attend events of our choosing without fear of intimidation.

We would like to compliment the SA Police Service for its amazing support, as well as the remarkable team of CSO volunteers who tirelessly go beyond the call of duty to ensure the safety of our community.

Despite Bapela’s statement, the Board has over this past week had many encouraging engagements with Government on local South African issues, as well as Israel. I look forward to reporting on these meetings in next week’s column.

As difficult as many of these incidents are to accept, I want to reassure our community that our detractors are in the minority and the Board will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that our proud and dignified community continues to thrive.

In every way possible, we will continue to send out the message that we are proud Jews and proud South Africans who are deeply committed to building the South Africa we all dream of.


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