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BDS livid over Woolies’ Pharrell Williams coup



ANT KATZ and staff reporters

BDS-SA, who calls itself a “human rights and Palestinian solidarity partner”, has been actively campaigning for a trade boycott against Israel and for Woolworths to stop stocking any Israeli products, said in a media release it had been “inundated with tweets” condemning the Woolworths-Williams link-up.

Williams, using his Twitter account said last week: “Proud to collab (sic) with retailer @Woolworths_SA. Are you with us, South Africa? See you in September! #PharrellWithWoolies”.

Woolies - Pharrell2BDS says that shortly after the tweet, members of the public replied to Williams alerting him to the #BoycottWoolworths campaign and calling on him not to collaborate with Woolworths “till it divests from Israel”

Woolworths has repeatedly stated that it would, for the sake of its customers, source products from countries all over the world. It pointed out that it imported less than one per cent of its products from Israel. The company has dug in its heels and has refused to be dictated to by BDS-SA or any other grouping.

Williams, an eco-activist, in his role of style director to Woolworths, will be involved in a series of projects focused on sustainability.

BDS-SA said it would be “formally writing to Pharrell Williams, requesting that he postpones his Woolworths collaboration until the company divests from Israel. The BDS #BoycottWoolworths campaign is inspired by the anti-apartheid boycott movement of the 1980s against companies that traded with Apartheid South Africa.

“Given our history as South Africans, we call for the boycott of companies, such as Woolworths, who continue to trade with Apartheid Israel. We trust that Pharrell Williams will heed our call.”


Williams has a mission “to change things for the good”. A South African school singing group will perform with him in a concert in Johannesburg for Woolworths customers. In the coming months schools will be able to submit their performances in the “My School Sing With Us” competition and Williams will select the winning group.

Despite the controversy surrounding his collaboration with Woolworths, Pharrell Williams was spotted partying it up with locals at Cape Town nightclub Living Room over the weekend.

The 42-year-old global star recently made news in South Africa after Woolworths announced that he would be collaborating with the retail chain as their new style director. The partnership would see Woolworths introduce a new sustainable line of clothing.

Williams was referring to a special concert to be held in September in Cape Town for 5,000 Woolworths customers to mark the collaboration.

More in store from the pairing

Woolworths will also be launching a range of Bionic Yarn T-shirts in conjunction with Williams. Bionic Yarn is a thread made from recycled plastic pollutants reclaimed from the oceans.

Williams and Woolworths are calling on young South African designers to create original, striking T-shirt designs “that raise awareness about the issues that affect the planet and a sustainable future”.

Woolworths has consistently flown the flag as an eco-activist, playing an active role in conservation. In January Williams announced that with global warming activist Al Gore, Cape Town would be one of seven host cities on seven continents for the Live Earth Concert on June 18.

“Live Earth is about harmonising humanity,” Williams said in Los Angeles.


Woolies - Pharrell1FULL
Pharrell Williams seems to be enjoying his latest gig – and even blowing off the US-based anti-Israel organisation BDS 


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  1. nat cheiman

    April 14, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    ‘Absolutely fantastic news for Woolies and customers.

    Has anyone bothered to tell the BDS idiots that Bashar Assad flattened the Palestinian refugee hospital with his barrel bombs?

    Syria is using chlorine gas and cyanide to kill its own people including the Palestinians.

    But hey!!!!! Wait!!! Israel by defending itself against Hamas rockets committed grave human rights violations. NOT.BDS is a hoax and only mentally deficient people believe that they want to boycott Israel. The true facts are that they probably are agents for ISIS and other radicals.They want to destroy and kill Jews , Christians and all races including themselves. They are a vermin which need to be eradicated.

    In France (Le Pen) and Netherlands (Geert Wilders) are campaigning to rid their countries of Islamic people.

    In SA, the intelligence people are looking at these types for terrorist activity. BDS have their hands full trying to duck and dive and ultimately will fail. They are a dismal bunch of creatures. ‘

  2. Jonni

    April 20, 2015 at 1:09 am

    ‘I heard that BDS supporters love to sing the old ( Negro ) Spirituals – apologies for the N word.

    They  would then sing,amongst others \” Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho \” and \” By the waters of Babylon. \”

    Such songs would then surely prove that Jews have an attachment to Israel from time immemorial.


    Billy         and                Basil ( Faulty )

    Da                                 Da

    Sheep                            Singer

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