
BDS-SA helps Woolies make new friends daily

The strategy of US-based anti-Israel NGO, BDS, to target retailer is backfiring on them if the comments on pro-Israel Spotlighting posted Thursday on the Fed’s facebook page is anything to go by.




BDS under attack!

It is interesting to note that almost all of the comments posted in the first few hours were by non-Jews. Those displaying their anger at BDS-SA – the SA arm of the US-based anti-Israel NGO “Boycott, Divest & Sanction” (Israel) – seem to well-informed and react to BDS-SA’s Rent-a-Crowd philosophy.

Anti-BDS SpotlightingComments Mark Norton: “Most of the ‘activists’ are ill informed, don’t even know where Israel is…” while Trenton Brown points out: Number of Palestinians who have died in wars with Israel – 15,000. Number of Palestinians killed by their fellow Arabs- 30,000.

One commentator suggested that BDS, by making use of people who “neither know where Palestine/Israel is, or where their next meal or T-shirt is coming from – (BDS-SA) is in itself (guilty of) a policy of racial bias.”

Here are some of the comments posted in the first few hours. Jewish Report users can leave their own comments below this story, or go directly to the SAZF FACEBOOK page to read more, like the comments and leave their own behind.

A selection of what folks had to say:

Please note that the following comments are placed verbatim and not edited for grammar, typos, etc.

BAREND JOHANNES VAN ZYL: find it quite amazing that they want to boycott Woolworths for selling israel products well then they should boycott Woolworths for buying products that were made in China as well and what about other places like Japan and saudiarabia These places are ten times worst than the rest of the world so they actually are against the Jews and that is there only reason BDS is a terrorist group

LINDA NAUDE OOSTHUIZEN: I respect Woolworths for standing firm. As Barend said, what about all the other countries, especially Chine. Will we only wake up in South Africa when it is to late!

TRENTON BROWN: Death toll in Syria- 200.000 Iraq under Saddam -250,000 ISIS- 60,000 Algeria -100,000 Number of Palestinians who have died in wars with Israel – 15000 Number of Palestiniansk illed by their fellow Arabs- 30,000.

LIONEL KRIEGER: Yes, I found the BDS just as disorganised too. But beside that they actually have a lot in common with the Zionists. Misrepresentation of historical facts, selective application of claimed values, etc etc

SUSAN ANSLEY JOHNSON: Irresponsible government breeds contempt amongst disenfranchised and uneducated youth. Give them hope, give them an education, create an apprenticeship system.


MARK PILLAY: it’s a shame using youngsters, and inciting violence. These people that are against Israel know how easily influenced the youngsters are and they riding on that

KYLE MOUSEEKAA-NEL: Why are people so anti-Semitic? Its’ sad… will Israel ever be a free nation?

ELAINE FIENBERG: I totally agree with comment above.

MARK NORTON: I seldom post comments on Facebook but as a South African Jew when I see and read about the activities of BDS my ire is aroused. Most of the ‘activists’ are ill informed, don’t even know where Israel is, and are happy to ask for and accept Jewish generosity – and at the same time commit criminal acts against the very people they seek assistance from. Ironic isn’t it?

DONOVAN MARK PHIPPS: this is what happens when our government allows terrorists into the country to speak to kids and allows terrorist organisations like bds south africa to operate within its borders. This is a mere symptom of a bigger problem


  1. Spotlighting

    March 20, 2015 at 5:17 am

    ‘Thanks for the mention #AntKatz and #SAJR. 

    Readers can follow Spotlighting’s work at: 

    and on Twitter: @spotlightingSA

    \”Integrity on trial, one at a time\”‘

  2. nat cheiman

    March 20, 2015 at 3:13 pm

    ‘BDS are liars, thieves and uneducated .

    They will soon be taught a lesson by people opposed to their ideology’

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