Letters/Discussion Forums

BDS supporters should shed their hypocritical glasses

Supporters of the BDS movement and those of Israel, are quite entitled to their different views and beliefs, since this is a free, democratic country. However, many everyday products and services originate in Israel and the boycott must be all-encompassing (if the boycotters are consistent).



Fronya Lewis

There is a website which lists Israeli inventions. Since these are facts, it would seem that many BDS supporters appear to be hypocrites because they use products which originated in Israel. Therefore, in order to avoid this label, I suggest that the leaders of the BDS movement approach the head of a nonsectarian charity to collect their cellphones  computers and anything else associated with Israel, from their supporters and dispose of them.

If backers of the BDS refuse to give up these things, they could be called “non-serious hypocrites” and therefore the laughing stock of society. Is that what they want?


Port Elizabeth


1 Comment

  1. John

    September 5, 2014 at 4:28 am

    ‘BDS = Babbling Daft Sycophants’

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