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Letters/Discussion Forums

BDS tries to get into #feesmustfall action



Allan Wolman

There is a picture posted on Facebook of a poster by the Palestinian Solidarity Alliance calling for the boycott of Woolies at the student demonstrations at the Union Buildings grounds last Friday. What an intelligent move by BDS!

Do they know what Woolworths’ contribution to education is in this country, or have they any idea of the bursaries provided by this company to deserving students?

No, they also don’t care and neither do they care about the plight of our students’ (mainly) peaceful campaign for affordable tertiary education. Alas, any excuse to seek publicity however stupid it might be. And what better way to draw attention to themselves than by violent action!

Both on Radio 702 and in her Sunday Times column last Sunday, Redi Thlabi told of her experience at the demonstration at the Union Buildings. She tells of a group of about 30 youths wearing Sasco and ANC T-shirts torching toilets and throwing bricks at the police and they were later joined by “a handful of EFF supporters and much later by youths wearing Boycott Divestment and Sanctions T-shirts”.

Redi goes on to tell her readers how the peaceful students tried to stand up against this group “chanting No Violence!” A call obviously ignored by our BDS group!


Allan Wolman

Rosebank, Johannesburg

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