
BDS’ whole agenda is Jew-hatred, pure and simple

The BDS has once again shown its true colours. Not in South Africa this time, but in Spain.



Monessa Shapiro

The Rototam Sunsplash Reggae Festival, held in Valencia, under pressure from the BDS, disinvited Jewish American singer, Matthew Miller (Matisyahu) from taking part in the festival.  

Matisyahu is not an Israeli. He is Jewish and because he is Jewish he was singled out and told that he could not take part in the concert unless he signed a declaration in support of a Palestinian state. No other artist was asked to give views on any political situation in the world.

By singling out Miller, the BDS provided us with confirmation that theirs is not a fight for human rights but rather a quest to pursue the oldest racism known to mankind – that of Jew-hatred.  

As the Wall Street Journal so aptly put it on August 18: “Remember the reggae star Matisyahu the next time anti-Israel proponents insist their aim is to promote Palestinian rights, not anti-Jewish bigotry.”


Monessa Shapiro

Glenhazel, Johannesburg

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    August 26, 2015 at 6:57 pm

    ‘The Banksy exhibition in \”Dismaland\” had a few Israeli exhibitors. The Palestinian exhibitors rocked up and demanded that the Israeli’s be barred from exhibiting.

    The Palestinians were themselves thrown out by Banksy.

    People are tired of BDS and Palestinians trying to throw their weight around when in fact it is clear that it is NOT ABOUT ISRAEL, BUT JEW HATRED.


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