Letters/Discussion Forums

Be true to your title of rainbow nation

I’m addressing an open letter to South Africa’s Ambassador to Israel, Sisa Ngombane.

I am writing this to bring to your attention two disturbing facts and my discomfort with them.



Moshe Mitchell (former Zimbabwean)

The first is the proliferation of xenophobic violence in the townships in South Africa. This is particularly painful to me as it is my fellow Zimbabweans, among others, who are the victims of this disgusting behaviour.

This is especially due to the fact that during your fight against apartheid, your leaders found shelter in the very countries whose nationals are now being abused on your streets.

The second matter pertains to the fact that your government criticised the Government of Israel for the mistreatment of African refugees, with which I concur, as we do need to treat them better. However, to use Christian terminology, it is wise to take the log out of your eye, before trying to remove the speck out of Israel’s. Israel does not burn people to death on the streets!

I want to make it known to your government that in this Internet generation such evil can be broadcast around the world in seconds and the world is watching.

Be true to your self-proclaimed title of a rainbow nation and stop the atrocities. Bring to justice those who inflamed the passions of the people into this great evil and stain on your nation. This includes investigating and bringing to justice the security services who have long abused their powers to selectively target foreign nationals.

Next, remind the people of their debt to the very people that they are killing and maiming.

I hope and trust that there will be a speedy end to this evil and that we will learn lessons from it so that it does not happen again.

I hope South Africa (soon) returns to normality, that she works on the problems that she faces instead of blaming others and that we see a cessation of this periodic violence against foreigners.


Moshe Mitchell (former Zimbabwean)




  1. nat cheiman

    April 22, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    ‘In the unlikely event that Ngombane will [Offensive, removed  -ED] read your letter, he may say the following; Capitalists are bad people; our people are poor and hungry (like its our fault); we need transformation (which is African speak for trashing things)Foreigners take our peoples jobs (because they work harder and are more ethical); Apartheid was a violent system and we are violent because of apartheid; We just like the rest of the world hate Jews; The poor Palestinians have to bomb Israel because of all the injustice perpetrated by Israel; Hamas is a Liberation organization which fights for the Palestinians;We fought apartheid and will help the Palestinians overcome Israeli apartheid; Suicide bombers and Khaled Meshaal are peace loving people, it is only the Israelis that are war mongers; The whites have to share their wealth because it was because of black Africans that they became wealthy; van Riebeeck and Paul kruger, including Rhodes were horrific racists; The holocaust is over exaggerated;
    \nThere are many more fables and sewerage that the government can lay on the table.
    \nThe good news isthat we, as jews, are on our own and do not need this government or any other to help.
    \nSouth Africa is going the way of Zimbabwe and clever people like Zuma and his cadres are making hay while the sun is shining.
    \nHow I don’t envy them.’

  2. Ant Katz

    April 22, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    ‘Nat, I can only assume that you do not know Ambassador Sisa Ngombane. Anyone who does is aware of his educational and political prowess, his struggle credentials and his colour-blindness when it comes to SA Jewry. ‘

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