
Beyond belief

Many people don’t believe in miracles. But I see miracles every day at the Chev. At this moment I know personally of 14 people under our care who are feeling blessed by miraculous events they thought were beyond their wildest hopes and dreams. Let me share their touching stories with you.




Of all the divisions within the Chev, there is only one that provides services further afield than the Jewish community; only one that is nondenominational and multiracial – a candidate for BEE ratings. That is Kadimah Occupational Services which provides protected employment for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. 

It has been in existence for over 35 years and came under the Chev’s umbrella to be incorporated into our own protected employment programme in 2008. 

Last year Dennis Taubakin, who manages a running programme, Achilles SA, approached Kadimah to offer two positions for people with disabilities to run in the New York Marathon in November. 

There were eight runners competing for the two spots and they were trained by Dennis himself over many months of relentless exertion. Ultimately the winners were Buthi Murule, who is intellectually disabled, and Vincent Gwebu, who has only limited use of the left side of his body.

The trip, fully sponsored by Achilles, was an incredible experience for these two young men. Neither of them had ever been on a plane or travelled anywhere, least of all to the bustling metropolis of New York!  

They both completed their 42 km races, running with volunteers who assisted them along the way, and were awarded their medals which, Buthi said, he didn’t take off for days! It was a life-changing taste of magic, unlike anything they ever thought they would experience. 

As for the other 12, they’re residents of Sandringham Gardens who’ve been given the opportunity to travel overseas to visit family members – children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters – they haven’t seen for years and thought they might never see again. 

The perceptive, generous (and anonymous) donor has recruited other contributors to assist in this project which, besides planning itineraries, also involves renewing passports, acquiring visas where necessary and providing travellers with a daily allowance for the duration of their trips.

 “It’s a miracle,” they’re saying. And they’re right!

May our partnership continue to thrive!

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