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Letters/Discussion Forums

Blatant hate displayed against Israel



Harold Stein

The article was undisguised support for BDS’ “Apartheid Week”, containing the usual lies and condemnation of Israel that we have been fed over the past few years.

I cannot go into detail as to the propaganda content promulgated, but I do think the Jewish community and supporters of Israel should show some reaction to this blatant hate that has been displayed.

Although a feature appeared the following day by a Palestinian who appealed to BDS to stop its destructive actions which were harming the Palestinian people, it does not detract from the animosity caused by the previous unfair diatribe.

We should desist from subscribing to that newspaper, and advertising by the business world should be curtailed and retargeted to other media. Classified announcements such as births, deaths and other miscellaneous notices, can also be directed to other media.

I am appealing to all major advertisers and the general public to show our distaste for this newspaper group.


Glensan, Johannesburg


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    March 14, 2015 at 8:02 am

    ‘I do not buy the Star newspaper any longer. Iqbal Surve is the owner of Independent Newspapers and happens to be of the Muslim faith and supports BDS as most Muslims do. That is his right and entitlement.

    My right is to no longer support such a newspaper.’

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