
Board acts after three assaulted in Rosebank

#KippasAgainstHate. That is the hashtag being used by the SAJBD in the wake of last Saturday night’s incident at The Zone in Rosebank, Johannesburg, where three Jewish teenagers were verbally abused and in two cases physically assaulted by three unidentified males. “From several of the comments reportedly made by the perpetrators, it would appear that the attack was anti-Semitically motivated,” the SA Jewish Board of Deputies said in a media statement. READ ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN & GET INVOLVED!





The Board have called on all South Africans, Jewish and not, to attend a film-screening at a cinema this Saturday night (28 March), wearing a Kippa or hat to demonstrate a  commitment to fight against any form of prejudice and intimidation.  

This comes in the wake of last Saturday night’s incident at The Zone in Rosebank, Johannesburg, where three Jewish teenagers were verbally abused and in two cases physically assaulted by three unidentified males.

“From several of the comments reportedly made by the perpetrators, it would appear that the attack was anti-Semitically motivated,” the SA Jewish Board of Deputies said in a media statement.

The Board noted that there has been a steep rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric in South Africa, as well as of incidents of verbal threats and insults.

“The above, however, was the first recorded case in several years of an anti-Semitic attack that involved physical abuse. Unlike in many other parts of the world, Jews in this country have been able to freely identify as such in public spaces without fear of being victimised, and the SAJBD and CSO are committed to helping ensure that this remains the case,” it said. 

The Board added that it was “completely unacceptable” that any members of the community be subjected to any act of unprovoked bullying on account of their being Jewish.

“A strong message needs to be sent out that such acts will not be tolerated, and to that end the SAJBD and CSO, working closely with the authorities, are taking all possible steps to identify the culprits and ensure a successful prosecution.

The SAJBD and CSO have requested that the Jewish community be vigilant regarding possible anti-Semitic attacks and ask that people report any incidents as timeously and in as much detail as possible to them.  


  1. nat cheiman

    March 25, 2015 at 4:50 pm

    ‘Agreed. A kippa and a baseball bat’

  2. Gabriella Trapido

    March 26, 2015 at 9:24 pm

    ‘Quite frankly this is one of the most ridiculous ideas I have ever heard on so many levels. 

    Firstly a whole bunch of Jews wearing Kippas in a movie house is not a very intimidating thing, nor is it a new thing.  I have been to the zone/ rosebank countless times and I always see Jews in Kippas. 

    Secondly this article only causes fear and hysteria. An isolated incident is not WW3. Not to say what happened is not serious but we should put things into perspective.

    As the CSO your job is to protect the Jewish community, not create hysteria and more hate. You should be providing people with steps on how to deal with anti semetism- how to act when an attack happens, who to call, etc. Wearing Kippas at a movie is not a solution! Wouldn’t a better solution be to encourage Jews to not be afraid to wear their Kippas all the time and not be afraid to go to the zone again? Surely this sends more of a message?

    And most importantly we should not be encouraging more hatred and racism! We should stress that not all Muslims are bad and want to attack us. I have to believe that there is still some good in this country and on our planet.

    As the previous comment on this shows…only violence comes out of things like this( quote: a Kippa and a baseball bat)

     What message will this truly be sending? Isn’t it better to show the world that Jews are menches and we do not stoop to other people’s levels. That it is not about winning or being right but about being good people? 

    At the end of the day in order to fix the world you have to start with yourself. ‘

  3. Colin

    March 27, 2015 at 12:04 pm

    ‘Gabriella, you are 100% correct. The problem is the SAJBOD are really not that busy, really don’t have much to do, and are pretty much ineffective.

    So, when a situation like this comes along, they jump at it, make a whole lot of noise, and feel important again for a short while.

    Guaranteed the photographers are on standby and on Sunday you will see pics of Wendy, Krengels and Co at the movies.

    This is dumb.’

  4. Lance

    March 28, 2015 at 7:49 pm

    ‘Will the chief rabbi be there I wonder’

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