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Board angry at anti-Semitic Facebook rants




“The problem with you Zionist AshkeNAZIs and the Zionist Christians that support you… you tend to think that you are a majority. Fact is I don’t give a s*** that I get boycotted, sanctioned, blah blah… I will stand by my convictions and I will voice them… and after this fiasco was started by a Zionist AshkeNAZI genocide-supporting troll, passing himself off as a black South African woman who plays kiddies’ games online…” He did not identify the person.

“I will endeavour to be outspoken and will not be silenced by the likes of you and your supremacy psychopathy. MY products will be enjoyed by people that are in need and, yes, I will shut down my business to make my stand. The world is waking up. There is no place on this planet for people who slaughter children and women at (a) whim…”

Venter, who is based in Green Point, Cape Town, has posted antagonistic posts for some time. His posts in the past have included a swastika, a sticker saying “Holocaust hoax”, and the statements, “Pigs are pigs no matter where you may find them” and “Today, I stand with the BDS” (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).

Speaking from Israel, Elad Barkan, CEO of Skinny Pasta Israel and co-founder of Skinny Pasta International, said: “This is the first time I have seen a human being act like this. We condemn strongly and denounce all his statements and posts that harm the Jewish people in particular and people in general. He has not represented our company for several months now and we informed him that he cannot continue to publish under our name or to introduce himself as our representative in South Africa.

“We are taking legal action against him.”

It is outrageous. He is anti-Jewish and anti-Israel. We have sent him a legal notification that he is no longer a holder of the Skinny Pasta franchise, but he still acts as if he is.” Barkan said the legalities should be sorted out in the next few weeks.

Jeff Katz, national chairman of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies, said in a statement that: “SAJBD is of the view that such postings are unlawful and, as a result, the SAJBD is consulting with lawyers to determine the most appropriate action to take.”

Various angry comments from Facebook users resulted. Eliezer Roeh Ohr posted: “This guy is sick, sick, sick! He should peddle his lies along with his noodles to HamASS. They’d appreciate his tangled spaghetti brain. And, while he is at it, he should stay there! Our Chief Rabbinate should withdraw its certification until the company removes this anti-Semite from its franchise.”

John King posted on Facebook: “Such people have a mental illness, common also to lefties… Israel is defending itself with high morals…”

Lar Cotral wrote: “When the lights of the civilised world go out, you creapy (sic) crawlers come out from your crevices and can only take cheap shots against that little island of normalcy surrounded by manic-regressive and oppressive Arab regimes…

“If you are so religious and self-righteous in your beliefs of Jewish/Israeli wrongs, you might as well put away your computer, cell phone, stop taking many meds for your conditions and re-enter the cave age.”



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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    April 20, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    ‘The man is clearly a mehugana.

    Good idea that he suggested he would stand with BDS. 

    An infidel  among muslims. ‘

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