
Board, CSO reassure on leaked spy cables

“The SAJBD and CSO continue to work very closely with South African government security services, which are committed to doing everything that needs to be done to ensure the safety of our community,” was the assurance given to the SA Jewry in a notice this week, co-signed by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies’ national chairman, Mary Kluk, and president Zev Krengel; as well as by the CSO Management.




The assurance was given in the wake of the continued publication by the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news network of leaked spy cables which have shed light on the murky world of Spy vs Spy, particularly between SA and Israel

Follow the ongoing leaks on SA Jewish Report Online where we have published and contextualised many of the most interesting items. Our website, will continue to keep users updated.

The notice to the community advised that “This past week has seen progressive revelations in the media concerning the leaked State Security Agency cables. A number of these relate directly to our Jewish community, including information regarding an envisioned terrorist attack against a Jewish installation in Cape Town in 2010,” say the Board and CSO.

RIGHT: SA Jewish Board of Deputies’  National Chairman Mark Kluk who co-authored the community statement

“Reference is also made to possible attacks against our community over Yom Tov in September last year,” the notice reminds SA Jewry. “As you will no doubt remember, the SAJBD and CSO were aware of this at the time, and as a result asked the Jewish community to be especially vigilant and arranged for there to be extra security arrangements in place during that period.

“The SAJBD and CSO continue to work very closely with South African government security services, which are committed to doing everything that needs to be done to ensure the safety of our community. The CSO also continues to work very closely with our shuls, schools and other communal organisations to upgrade their security, both from a physical as well as process point of view.

“Once again, we call on the Jewish community at large to assist us in this area and to minimise any possible risk,” said the statement to the community.

The Board and CSO ask SA Jewry to: report any suspicious activity to the CSO national number 086 18 000 18 (Remember it as: 086-CHAI-000-CHAI) or the Cape number: 086 18 911 18. These numbers are both manned 24/7, 365 days a year; and to assist the security teams at ones’ shul and/or school

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