
Board not done, not by a long shot

Wits decides “I Love Hitler” is free speech, SAJBD “remains convinced” comments not constitutional. Their hate speech cases continue at SAPS & HRC




The SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) issued a statement this week immediately after Wi’s legal office announced that sacked Students Representative Council (SRC) head Mcebo Dlamini’s statements that he loved Hitler while referring to Israel and SA Jewry, met the Constitutional test of free speech.

Not so, said the SAJBD, differing from the Wits Legal Department interpretation.

The SAJBD remains convinced that Mr Dlamini’s comments are not protected by the Constitution,” said the Board, which intends to continue pursuing both the criminal and civil cases of hate speech that it has laid.


ABOVE: A clever cartoon by up-and-coming ‘tooner NATHI

The Board’s announcement, verbatim:

Jewish Board will pursue hate speech cases against Mcebo Dlamini

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) notes that in its review of the disciplinary procedures against Dlamini, the Wits University Legal Office expressed the view that Mr Dlamini’s “Hitler” comments, while “abhorrent”, nevertheless “did not breach the exceptions to the Constitution regarding freedom of speech”. Their decision is relevant only in respect of the internal rules and procedures of Wits University and has no judicial relevance outside the confines of the university.    


The SAJBD remains convinced that Mr Dlamini’s comments are not protected by the Constitution and  it will continue to pursue the cases of hate speech that have been  laid  both with  the South African police  and with the SA Human Rights Commission. 

Related reads on Jewish Report Online



  1. Abu mamzer

    July 18, 2015 at 5:39 am

    ‘Pity,there goes all the bursary money ‘

  2. nat cheiman

    July 19, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    ‘Dumbo at the moment . He da man.

    After the case of hate speech. He da moron

    What a jerk’

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