
Bobroff’s running under new management
Jewish Report will continue to follow the matter and will only report on what we have personal knowledge of from reliable sources, such as Bobroff family members; attorneys acting for the parties; official spokesmen of the SA Police’s priority crimes unit, The Hawks; court transcripts and legal reports.
While the father and son team have bolted to Australia, Bobba Elaine, RIGHT, was left to carry the can as police arrested and charged her last week for fraud and money laundering.
Latest information:
- The amount of money involved remains R79 mil as far as the Hawks are concerned – until the Thursday mid-day briefing on the outcome of official Hawks investigation (which JR Online will bring to readers tomorrow afternoon);
- RBP Inc (Ronald Bobroff and Partners Incorporated) has been placed under curatorship by the Law Society and a curator has assumed control of all of the trust monies, accounts and all other financial affairs or RBP Inc Attorneys;
- A curator has been appointed and will be thoroughly checking through all past dealings of RBP Inc;
- There are two investigations currently;
- A criminal investigation by the Hawks, which will be concluded today and from which, SAJR hopes to be able to get numerous answers tomorrow afternoon;
- An investigation by the curator appointed by the Law Society into the books, accounts and trust funds of the firm is about to begin;
Rael Zimmerman, an attorney and the proprietor of Taitz and Skikne, a Germiston-based legal firm of long standing, has purchased the clients of RBP Inc “but not the business” he is very specific to add;
- Taitz and Skikne has hired all of the staff at RBP Inc – which will continue to trade in their present Rosebank premises;
- Zimmerman has been the personal and family attorney of the Bobroff family for eight months – but does not do criminal work;
- Ulrich Roux, a director at BDK Attorneys is the family’s criminal lawyer. He told JR Online today that he did not wish to comment at this stage; and that
- Both Roux and Zimmerman were in court with 68-year-old Elaine Bobroff last week when she was charged with fraud and money laundering – and later given bail – while her husband Ronald, her son Darren and his family were in Australia.
Many figures and claims were bandied about in the weekend newspapers. We will not repeat these as Hawks spokesman Major Robert Netshiunda this afternoon assured SAJR that he is aware of the figures and charges that have been mentioned.
These, he insists, are “pure speculation”, and that he “will be getting the actual figure tomorrow” (Thursday) as the Hawks investigation into the matter will be concluded today, a report drafted, and an internal meeting held at which he will be present.
Until tomorrow afternoon, therefore, SAJR will await the outcome of the criminal investigation before bandying any numbers or claims.
Readers can see the last story:
BOBROFFS FLEE TO OZ, BOBBA LEFT TO CARRY CAN which offers both a catch-up of the latest story as well as links to all earlier stories.
Remember to check for regular updates

March 31, 2016 at 12:19 pm
‘Everyone knows that fraudsters (REMOVED) are behind this nonsense. Their crooked lawyer (REMOVED) bribed a corrupt police official to arrest Mrs Bobroff for being a \”flight risk\” despite not having a passport or any intention to leave corrupt SA. Shame on (REMOVED). The Bobroff’s must have really uncovered a serious fraud on the part of (REMOVED).
\nSorry, user, it is illegal for you to say those things unless proven in a court and very much more so for us to allow you to. It is interesting, though, to note that you wished to do so anonymously! -ED
nat cheiman
March 31, 2016 at 2:29 pm
‘Oy Vey!!!! Sounds like a serious conspiracy. Pity that names etc have been removed. However, the Bobroff saga has been manifesting itself for a few years already and it is unlikely that Bobroff uncovered any fraud, because he would have exposed it by now. ( They had ample opportunities in the 7 or 8 cases they were embroiled in and defending .) It may be that they uncovered their own duplicity, and perhaps that is the reason they fled. I mean, why flee because of someone elses fraud? Preposterous!!!’
April 1, 2016 at 8:58 am
‘I agree with Nat Cheiman. [DELETED].
\nReaders please note that no anonymous posts on this subject can be allowed, from either side, and only information that is supported by legal evidence will be published. New post on latest news this afternoon. Anyone with valid information is welcome to send to online.editor@sajr.co.za
Leslie Kobrin
April 3, 2016 at 8:06 am
‘This is a tragedy of monumental proportions with ghastly consequences for the Bobroff family, immediate and extended, their Partners, Staff, Clients, Advocates and experts they briefed, colleagues, the Community both Jewish and extended, and the impact it has for the integrity of the entire legal profession.’
April 3, 2016 at 3:05 pm
‘Your article contains a factual inaccuracy. Ulrich Roux is not Barry Roux’ Son. They are not related at all.
Shawn is quite correct – we Googled it and
\nfound it to be a widely-quoted error all
\nover the SA media space -Online Editor
Dean Almeida
April 18, 2016 at 6:06 pm
‘I tried to submit a comment last week, with my full details – it didn’t make it – maybe a technical error on my part…
\nI have known the Bobroff’ for the better part of a decade; where I do not know many facts, one fact is they have helped hundreds of people turn their lives around from traumatic to manageable.
\nRonald Bobroff has helped shape the very judicial system that many rely on today.
\nIt would seem – with all this media influence and power in the name of a VERY LARGE company has something for the Bobroff’s – either way…I stand by them, as a client, as a friend, as a concerned citizen – because if this can happen to a law firm – whats happening with the rest of the population.
\nHi Dean. You are aware that we cannot allow you to post unsubstantiated allegations against people here as it could constitute both a criminal and civil injurious act. We have stated repeatedly that friends and/or family of the Bobroffs, or members of the public, are welcome to bring substantiated evidence to us which we could follow up on. We have not deleted a single comment, act in no interest above the news itself, and have and will only publish statements of public record or those issues by the police, law society and RAF investigations. We did reach out to Darren Bobroff a week prior to he and his father absconding and after they had plead guilty to charges – offering him a platform to put their story to the community if they so chose. We did the same afterwards and we were assured last week, and again this week, that the family or their lawyers would be submitting a statement for publication. Sadly, it does not appear to be forthcoming. Again we advise any parties who wish to send information to privately to mail it to: online.editor@sajr.co.za
Dean Almeida
April 19, 2016 at 1:46 pm
‘Thank you for allowing my comment.
I am not accusing anyone of anything nor am I attempting to clear anyone of anything.
I do not get involved in politics as part of my spiritual health and well-being.
I am simply shedding light on the fact that this kind of treatment, this kind of shredding of someones dignity and an obvious attack coming from an obvious source; well, its politics at its finest.
All I can be absolutely sure of is one shining fact:
Ronald Bobroff, Darren and their legal team has brought relief to hundreds of South African’s. Whatever else happened will be investigated, facts will be found – all I am saying is from my perspective – the public slaughter of this man and his family is just not right…I believe, in my own little capacity.’
Joao farinha
October 4, 2016 at 2:44 pm
‘I am waiting 9 years for my money.still waiting
Mogari SM
August 10, 2024 at 11:31 pm
15 years of pain suffering and torture caused by Ronald Bobroff and Partners Inc.Still waiting for claim compensation completion
March 14, 2018 at 9:33 am
I have met the Bobroffs all of them years ago and what nice people. It may seem to me that they did what all others in business do- make money.
Maybe they cut corners but they helped people. I DO think they have uncovered basically fraud in a big SA corporate and this big bully is trying to destroy them.
Maybe they are not angels but nor devils. I do not think they hurt people at the end of the day. SA is a corrupt greedy place full of corruption as we know in Govt and so on. This filters down.’