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Bold hate fest on Facebook causes outrage

Lawyers are advising the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) in laying criminal charges after a Johannesburg man went on a shameless anti-Semitic, racist, and homophobic rampage last week using the “k-word” a few times.




Donovan Richard Bold took to Facebook last Thursday afternoon with a string of vile posts including sick jokes about Jews.

Among a host of nonsensical rants about Jews, blacks, and Muslims, he dotted in a few “jokes” about Jews followed by an emoji laughing with tears.

They included, “How do you stop a Jew from drowning? Take your foot of their head”; “What arrives 2 minutes before a Jew? Their nose”; and “What do you call a J*w under the wheel of a truck? Satisfaction.”

Using the k-word, he described black people as a “stupid bunch of k*ff*rs.”. In another sick aside he said, “Soweto it is design (sp) to take a bomb designed for that by apartheid. We should use it,” followed by another smiley emoji.

He referred to Jews as slaves, and sex slaves.

One of his posts said, “Sorry slaves it comes from my past readings in religious studies there’s been many slaves. The blacks are pissed because you left them behind but now I see there were more important things than saving k*ff*rs What’s that? Killing Muslims,” (followed by a laughing emoji).

It’s unknown what prompted the Randburg-based man to go on the rampage. According to some who know him, he used to be a disc jockey in the underground electronic music club scene. He has several pseudonyms, namely CrayonDon, Don Crayon, and ElectronDon and his Facebook page is filled with weird and abstract psychedelic images. It appears as if some, if not all, of his posts have been taken down.

His posts caused shock and outrage. One person who wished to remain anonymous said he was furious, saying, “He has had a go at everyone, this guy. Who does this kind of thing?”

It’s understood that one irate man took screen shots of the posts and forwarded them to the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), and that they have reached the ear of Commander in Chief Julius Malema. At the time of going to press, it was unknown whether the EFF was going to pursue the matter.

Johannesburg businessman Saul Joshua Abelson, who knows Bold from his clubbing days and has described him as a “tie-dyed hippie type”, approached him online asking, “Would you mind explaining this?”

To which Bold replied, “Are you Jewish?”

Abelson said Bold seemed to be a well-liked, popular guy on the electronic music festival scene many years ago.

“I wanted to know why he was posting this, but then he climbed into me, Abelson said.

He said Bold became “combative and aggressive”, and at one point called him a “faggot”.

To which Abelson replied, “Excellent let’s add homophobe to the list.”

In one post, Bold wrote, “Jewish sex slaves was an in thing till G-d’s wife got pissed and G-d told you slaves to, ‘Piss off from all creation and creatures Damned from life f*ck off or you wouldn’t listen.’ You still don’t listen or G-d would give you money can’t you take a hint Stolkhom (sp) Syndrome Jew hahaha dumb*asses.”

When the SA Jewish Report asked Bold to explain himself this week, he said, “Nothing just that Jews don’t have a sense of humor (sic) and are spoiled because they get money from G-d. G-d is a Jewish man with all the money. He had gunpowder in bible. G-d took the money from the beginning and condemned slave Jews to all condemnation That’s why they get no money G-ds family is safe and Jews get inheritance.”

Abelson said the posts made him angry.

“In a country like ours, why would someone send hate across the airwaves? We don’t need this right now. You can think what you want, but keep your thoughts to yourself. It’s time to recognise our differences and our similarities.”

Attorney Ian Levitt said that he had consulted with the SAJBD on the matter.

“I indicated that in my view we have a good chance of a successful prosecution, and they have instructed me to go ahead. We are gathering all the information to lay charges of crimen injuria.”

SAJBD National Director Wendy Kahn said, “Once again, we were confronted on social media by offensive postings, this time targeting Jewish and black people. Social media, unfortunately, provides haters with a platform to spew their noxious venom. The SAJBD is working with its legal team in exploring the best options in terms of addressing these latest anti-Semitic and racist posts. We will update the community on our course of action once we have decided the best way forward.”

Many responded with outrage, and questioned whether drugs had a role to play.

One person said on Facebook, “He has offended every race, religion, and human. I think he deserves a date with all of us. When we rocking up at his home?!”

Another said, “Not justifying anything, but if you look closely at his posts on his profile, the guy is either on a serious multi-day binge, or he is in some state of psychosis.”

1 Comment

  1. David Lichtenstein

    September 19, 2019 at 10:34 am

    ‘Disgusting and totally unacceptable.

    Justice must now prevail.

    We do not need these type of people in our society.

    South Africa has enough problems of its own.

    A stern jail sentence should be given and he must be made an example of.

    This will show others that you cannot get away with murder being racist’

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