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Bouncing Back from Scandal: Greg Blank and Rael Levitt speak out



Greg Blank was the most charismatic and high-flying golden boy of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange until he got sentenced to jail on 48 counts of fraud. Krugersdorp Prison became his home for the next few years.

Rael Levitt was one of the most admired entrepreneurs in South Africa and founder of Auction Alliance until he was caught using a ghost bidder at the auction of Quoin Rock Wine Estate.

Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, but how do you come back after scandal?

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  1. Jonathan Isdale

    March 13, 2023 at 11:34 am

    Howard Sackstein I commend you on this fantastic webinar and got directed to it by a fellow expat. What fantastic webinars I have just heard and amazing that nothing likes this exists here in Australia amongst the Jewish community.

    Have been hear over 30 years and used to play tennis with Greg Blank at the TAC -he was a fantastic person then and an even better person today and what a journey.
    In absolute awe of both Greg and Rael Levitt who I had not heard about before this webinar and a story of absolute redemption and courage to write and talk about it.
    Will certainly get these on Amazon to read and draw inspiration from.

  2. Tess

    June 22, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    I worked in the same building as Greg Blank when he was in Melrose North, Beau-arts place, just one floor up, and I I did meet him on a few occasions because he was family friends with my then employers. I was very saddened to read about all that happened to Greg, at the time, a long time ago now. I had left the employ of the company when his book was released and had also moved to the Cape and was raising my new baby when I read it. I had also, at that time, experienced great adversity and Greg’s book gave me hope and courage to envision the future that I wanted with my new family and then did manage to create that with many blessings along the way, with my new family. Now, 23 years on from that time, I am once again in crisis and seeing this webinar was incredibly uplifting and just what I needed to see right now. Providence, I think. Rael’s story about what happened to him and the role of the media and what sounds so familiar to my own situation at this time and what I and my family experienced in the last 11 years, I could relate to much of what he said.Thank you for doing this show, I am sure that it is a huge encouragement to many and I wish Greg good health and healing and both men every success they so deserve for their integrity alone. Very Big of them! Thank you to the host, a really excellent show.

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