
Female terrorist stabs Israeli woman

This morning Magen David Adom Israel told Jewish Report Online that they had been informed of a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem in the Lion’s Gate area.




Trouble is brewing

“MDA teams are providing medical treatment to one of the injured from the stabbing and to the terrorist,” read the statement.

In a later note, SAJR was informed by MDA that mobile intensive-care units and staffers were evacuating: “A female terrorist in a severe condition and an injured Israeli in moderate condition”. They were taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital. MDA sent these pictures.

Jerusalem street scene one hour ago – courtesy MDA-SA

And later today a police officer was injured in the head after rocks were thrown at Israel Police and Border Police at Hospice Junction in the Old City of Jerusalem. Police arrested two suspects, who are minors, in connection with the attack.

1 Comment

  1. Denis Solomons

    October 7, 2015 at 10:54 am

    ‘What a story !

    Female terrorist stabs Israeli woman !

    Thank Goodness for Magan Dovid Adom.

    Right near Lion’s Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem .

    fortunately Haddah Ein Kerem hospital is nearby.’

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