Letters/Discussion Forums

Broomberg’s actions have brought his school into disrepute

I matriculated from King David Victory Park almost two decades ago and until last week I was proud to say that I was a member of an SRC where I was instilled with a sense of Jewish awareness, community sensitivity, passion and sincerity.



Shaun Sacks
I understand that those were “different times”. Yet there were certain guiding principles that my fellow SRC representatives and I always understood. These included never bringing the school or the Jewish community into disrepute.

Acknowledging that actions have consequences, most importantly we were always encouraged to expand our horizons, but we never lost sight of the importance of our community.

By wearing Palestinian symbols at an international event, Joshua Broombergs clearly understood his actions represented his position as a leader of King David.

The massive backlash it has caused (agree with him or not) has brought his school and the entire community into disrepute. Even if he had not “explained” himself in his follow-up letter, his initial actions are grounds enough to have his Honours removed.

The fact that he is now aware of the fallout, yet unwilling to accept the consequences of his actions, only reinforces the fact that he is undeserving of any positions of honour or leadership.

More directly, Broomberg’s actions and his subsequent clarification, only serve to enhance the contempt he has for the community.

Since when does the Palestinian flag represent the cause of humanity? Was the UN flag unavailable? Does the rainbow flag of South Africa not represent humanity’s triumph?

Perhaps the real flag for humanity should be the blue and white of the State of Israel. This flag represents a tiny country born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, which despite overwhelming odds, has established itself as a pioneer in education, international medicine, entrepreneurial spirit and Jewish survival. 

It is clear that Broomberg is being buoyed by (the actions and support of) his fellow student leaders; this only serves to reinforce the fact that Jewish awareness and service have become so warped at KDVP that Bloomberg’s stance is not only tolerated, but is actively encouraged and has become so common at the school that acting against this position will create a severe backlash. 

Among my accomplishments at King David Victory Park, I was awarded a prize for Jewish awareness and service. I humbly accepted this award which came with a silver kiddush cup that, and until this past Shabbat, I proudly used make kiddush at festive Shabbat meals which I enjoyed with family and friends.

I can no longer in good conscious use a kiddush cup that now represents a school where “Jewish awareness” means an abandonment of traditional Judaism in fear of a backlash, and “Jewish service” means honouring those who stand against the Jewish community.  





  1. James

    August 13, 2014 at 11:42 am

    ‘Although I am not a Jew in the pure sense of things. ( my maternal granny was Jewish) I have a strong connection with the Jewish community in Johannesburg. I am disappointed that a scholar of KDVP would turn his back on the Jewish community. I am of the opinion that taking away his honours is a massive setback to a scholars future, I would like to see Joshua retract the photo and apologise properly.’

  2. Ex Ex-Davidian too

    August 14, 2014 at 8:07 am

    ‘I too am an ex Davidian than now wants nothing to do with the school. 

    The disappointment has not been from Mr. Broomberg – this self flagellating Jews have always been around. Sadly due to a previous headmaster’s open bias for Habonim the movement was given skewed access to the school and its view now more prevalent there. But the main disappointment is from the SABJE for in dealing with the issue the not once condemned neither his actions nor the point of view his supports. Had the Board not punished the boy but unconditionally distanced itself from his view then there would be hope but they did not, they tried not to get involved and in so doing have given credibility to these Israel bashers. They have chosen to associate with a small margin of Jewish society and so now have marginalized themsleves – from here begins the disintegration of the SAJBE. Donors will not want their money going to the support of people wearing symbols of Jewish genocide and parents will not want their children educated in such an environment. The Board had to chose between the temporary wrath of of group of people not likely to send their children or their money to King David anyway,  and betraying the values of a strong and cohesive Jewish community that overwhelmingly supports Israel. This was short sited and poor judgement at its finest’

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