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Call to wake up and listen



The great Rabbi Yehuda says, “The human soul should turn g-dly … Perceive the world, enjoy the sublime, that sublime light and the hearing of the divine speech.” (Zohar)

How far has humanity travelled away from this truth here in South Africa? The dreaded load shedding, darkness upon the face of the earth … hmmm!

It’s time to take a good look at yourself – no television, no devices – could Hashem be asking you to now look inwards?

Then the virus, resulting in the wearing of masks. How many different masks do we wear for our spouse, children, friends, and co-workers, so full of masks covering up our true self, not hearing the divine voice of Hashem. We are now wearing our mask outside of ourselves. Why? No more space inside, full up, the pretence is overflowing.

Then comes a cry of compassion for humanity – a new rule, masks, social distancing, sanitising, or could we say this, could we look at it like this, expose the truth, give each other space, cleanse soul and mind?

Yet, humanity couldn’t obey this simple law of protection, then came lockdown.

Imprisonment not only of your mind – your body, your whole being, locked up.

And now death, what’s more final on this earth than death? Death, giving up or giving in, surrendering. How to die, why, where do we go, what do we do … well this is for another discussion.

If each of us does our best by being still, listening to the voice of Hashem, doing it through prayer is one way to hear his voice.

We have, as some people call it, collective karma, the law of cause and effect, we also have our own individual karma (attaining good merit or drawing negative energy through our deeds and actions). In collective karma, we are all in the same energy, this is where we see how the innocent and guilty suffer together as a result of a situation.

We can open the door to a new energy, a new way of living, we all have the key in our hand, all you need to do is turn the lock and enter.

Let your fancy dress and mask for your Purim celebration be the last mask you wear.

Pesach is nearly upon us. Think of the slaughtered lamb in place of the first born, allow the angel of death to pass you by, the angel will know death has been, she will see the sign written on the door although it’s the blood of the lamb.

What an auspicious time to play your part to turn your life around! A time in which there are no more masks, the truth can be revealed, the doors open wide, children can laugh and play in the park once more, the light of Shekinah shines brightly in your soul once more.

Let’s pray that through the blessing power of Hashem, the truth will set us free and heal us. It’s time to turn to prayer.

Wishing you a spiritual and enlightening Purim and Pesach!

  • Melanie Moritz is a spiritual teacher and healer.

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