
Cape Town anti-anti-Semitism demo Thursday

The SAJBD yesterday lodged a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission against Cosas and their Western Cape Provincial Chairman Siphakamise Ngxowa for their anti-Semitic demonstration and hate speech after the “pig’s head” incident last week. Cape Jewry and others will attend this demonstration at which the Board’s national director, Wendy Kahn, will issue a statement calling for South African solidarity against hate.




The South African Jewish community will be holding a demonstration against rising anti-Semitism and intimidation in our country. There has, over the past few months been an escalation of levels of anti-Semitism and hate speech against members of the Jewish community. This has included direct verbal threats, anti-Jewish grandstanding by political and civil society leadership, as well as physical threats of violence through social media. 

Jassat IqbalThe offensive images were widely distributed by ANC branches on social media

The climate has been created that led to the crossing of the line last week, with the placing of a pig’s head in what was thought to be the kosher meat section of Woolworths by the Congress of South African Students (Cosas). As it turned out, it was the halaal fridge and the action was quickly and roundly denounced by BDS, a largely Muslim organisation.

The demonstration will be held on Thursday 30 October, from 12:00 – 13:00, outside Woolworths, Corner Main Road and Fort Road (opposite Mr Price), Sea Point, Cape Town.

Members of the Jewish community, and fellow-South Africans who stand for the values as enshrined in our Constitution, will come together to say that hate speech in this country, irrespective of which minority it is directed at, will not be tolerated and accepted.  Nor will South African Jews be intimidated by this rising form of racism.

South Africa has traditionally had low rates of anti-Semitism compared to other countries. Alongside all South Africans, including fellow minority groups SA Jewry has been able to affirm their own cultural and religious beliefs, while simultaneously fully identifying with South Africa, and what it stands for. It is for this reason that the Jewish community, and like-minded South African will take to the street and highlight this growing and worrying trend. 

The SA Jewish Board of Deputies yesterday lodged a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission against Cosas and their Western Cape Provincial Chairman Siphakamise Ngxowa for their anti-Semitic demonstration and hate speech.

This protest seeks to highlight the un-South African nature of this act by Cosas, and to uphold the South African values of tolerance and inclusiveness.   

SAJBD national director Wendy Kahn will read out a statement calling for South African solidarity against hate.


  1. DSB

    November 1, 2014 at 8:03 pm

    ‘In case the writing on the wall was not clearing legible up till now, it should now be quite easy for the Jewish community to read – and to pack their bags and get out of South Africa before it’s too late (said with sadness by a proud Capetonian who emigrated to Israel in 1987)’

  2. truthfirst

    September 23, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    ‘You are dom or you are dom. Absolute screamer: halaal section instead of kosher. Same thing for ignorant Ngxoma. Sickening bit of antisemitism all the same. How out country is sliding into intolerance!’

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