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Caught with 70 Tons of Hash: The Largest Bust in US History



The untold story of a journey from the Dolls House and King David High School to becoming the most successful weed and hash smuggler in American history.

When I asked Michael Medjuck if he had any regrets after his conviction for drug smuggling and spending 14 years in an American jail filled with neo-Nazis, seven years in a Spanish prison, and time incarcerated in Canada, Britain and France, he said, “My only regret is that I hurt my wife when she found out about my mistress in New York, the rest was a grand adventure.”

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  1. Veejay

    September 29, 2022 at 7:53 pm

    I don’t know why this guy is being given any attention whatsoever. You guys are treating him like he’s some kind of rockstar, superhero when he’s nothing more than a low life criminal. Are we now descending into madness? Just because he’s publishing a book and maybe a movie, is the desperation of mere honest, hardworking, clean living, every day mortals so much so as to fawn just in case the movie is a hit and we can say, oh, he was one of ours? Get a grip. And Howard and Ryan, you came across as two starstruck kids meeting your soccer hero or something. It’s PATHETIC.


    September 29, 2022 at 8:11 pm

    His story might make for a watchable movie because people love this kind of drama, but his story has no place in a forum of this nature. Surely we should not be promoting this guy and his story. He’s not exactly the kind of role model we would want our children and community exposed to. Frankly, they should have thrown away the key. he’s a disgrace and you’re treating him like he’s some kind of hero. It’s a SHANDA.

  3. Brett Lewis Stein

    October 7, 2022 at 5:11 am

    Absolutely fascinating. Thank you so much for sharing. Great interview

  4. Richard

    March 5, 2023 at 8:50 am

    Mike, you remember me Richard Richard from Vancouver

  5. Gerry

    March 27, 2023 at 6:54 pm

    Good story. I know one of the players and this fills in some of the gaps

  6. Louis, JR

    March 29, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    Hello I’ve been wanting to hookup Michael I could help with the film call me ,,,your friend Louis from Montreal ,Let’s hook up call me ,
    Your friend

  7. Leigh's Lounge

    July 12, 2024 at 1:19 pm

    This was such an interesting interview.

    Imagine living in Michael’s shoes and what he has been through.

    We all have a story. Some are just so much more colourful than others.

    Hope the movie will become a reality.

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