Celebrating Shabbat as a community
WIZO South Africa
On Shabbat, October 11, wherever there is a WIZO branch in South Africa, WIZO members and friends will be celebrating Shabbat together as a community or at home. The weekly parsha, “Lech Lecha”, will be read on Saturday in the synagogue, Sara following Abraham to a land that G-d would show him – the very essence of Zionism.
On this Shabbat, WIZO South Africa will celebrate with pride our organisation’s long history of caring for the women and children in Israel.
In 1920 WIZO was formed with the goal of serving the dire and urgent needs of the pioneer women and children in the Land of Israel. Many of the women had arrived from around the world alone and with no family support. They came to settle in Palestine, inspired by the Zionist vision and in response to the call of “Lech Lecha”.
The WIZO founders connected Jewish women around the world to a united cause. WIZO South Africa joined this effort and continues to support and uplift those in need in our beloved State of Israel.
- Members and friends of WIZO will have many options by which they can honour this special occasion – some will be hosting their own Shabbat dinners or joining the WIZO communal dinners and brochas held around the country.
Members and friends of WIZO will have many options by which they can honour this special occasion – some will be hosting their own Shabbat dinners or joining the WIZO communal dinners and brochas held around the country.
The new WIZO tzedakah box has been launched and a call to the WIZO offices will ensure that you receive one of these specially decorated boxes for your home. This weekend will be a good opportunity to make a donation to WIZO in honour of the Shabbat and to celebrate the kinship of friends and family. The lighting of Shabbat candles can be accompanied by a special prayer for WIZO to affirm the important work it does in Israel.
Each WIZO member is deserving of the title “Eshet Chayil” – Women of Valour. Each one of you is a jewel in your own home and community, and together we can work WIZO wonders because our strength is in our unity, our faith in our G-d, our tradition and our belief in making the impossible – possible, providing a passport to the future and creating a better tomorrow.
This item appeared as a paid-for column in the Jewish Report dated 3 October 2013