
Checking on those ‘goggas’ lurking in your veggies

A power blackout last week Wednesday evening wasn’t enough to keep the community away from a vegetable checking and creative salad demonstration by Pinchas Goldberg (UOS) and Sharon Lurie (The Kosher Butcher’s Wife).





It was a much-awaited and requested opportunity to see firsthand a practical and visual demonstration of what lurks deep in those lettuce and cabbage leaves.

“The UOS is really trying to make it easier for us to check our fruit and vegetables; I remember using a muslin cloth to check herbs in the old days,” said a member of the audience.

“I didn’t want it to be a lecture on what you can’t eat, but rather a night of knowledge, showing people why they wouldn’t want to eat certain vegetables,” said Lurie. Corn on the cobb (yellow or white) seemed to cause the biggest stir among the audience when they were shown why they should no longer bite into a mealie on the cobb. Munching on these delicious homegrown favourites could include a mouthful of insects impossible to remove, even with prior checking.

Golberg, however, did suggest you remove the mealie “teeth” off the cobb, follow washing instructions and then enjoy it. Or stick to frozen or tinned!

However, checking Basil, flat leafed parsley and rosemary, made Lurie’s baby potato and onion salad with Aioli pesto and pine nuts, a breeze. An easy-to-follow produce checking manual is available from the kashrut department of the Beth Din of Johannesburg, or online at


Baby potato and onion salad with aioli pesto and pine nuts

1kg baby potatoes

500g baby onions

4 – 5 sticks fresh rosemary

1 tsp celery salt

1 1/2 cups thick mayonnaise

2 x 35g packets fresh Basil (set a couple aside for decorating)

1 tsp crushed fresh garlic

100g pine nuts (toasted)

Salt and pepper



1. Wash baby potatoes well, then either boil/microwave them (skin on) until almost soft.

2. Peel onions and cut in half and lightly sprinkle with olive oil and celery salt.

3. Place rosemary sticks at the bottom of a roasting pan, place onions and potatoes on top of rosemary and roast until golden brown and soft.

4. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely (don’t refrigerate). Discard rosemary.

5. Place Basil, mayonnaise and 1/2 tsp salt into plastic jug and blend until smooth.

6. Either discard oil from onions and potatoes, or add it to mayonnaise and blend.

7. Pour over roasted potato and onions, mix gently and finally sprinkle with roasted pine nuts.

8. Sprinkle with a few fresh Basil leaves and crispy onion rings.


Crispy onion rings


3 large onions (peeled, cut into paper thin rings)

1 cup corn flour (maizena)

1 tsp baking powder



Place onions, corn flour and baking powder into a bowl. Mix well, add 1/4 cup cold water, mix again and place into Ziploc bag.

Make sure the rings are well covered with mixture.

Fry in hot oil but watch them as they could burn quickly.

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