Christians rally to support Israel
South African Friends of Israel (SAFI) has heeded this call and arranged for a rally in support of Israel to take place later this month. The churches which will be involved include the Shembe Nazareth Baptist Church, Council of Churches South Africa International, Reconciliation with Christ Ministries, the City of Mercy Tabernacle and Naturena Baptist Church.
On Wednesday, 25 July, the event will begin at Freedom Park in Pretoria, where supporters will gather in their numbers to show how much a connection with Israel really means to them.
The rally aims to give a voice to those who have thus far been relatively silent in their public support of the Jewish State.
This rally follows in the wake of the pro-Israel petition, launched almost a month ago by SAFI co-chairperson Ben Swartz, which received some 37 000 signatures.
Considering this number of signatories, the rally will afford those who support Israel from across the religious spectrum another opportunity to take a stand and make their position clear.
“Although SAFI is facilitating the event, it has been through the Christian community’s insistence that the event has been initiated,” says Swartz.
They have been calling for an opportunity to demonstrate that they want to put the interests of greater South Africa first and strengthen its relationship with Israel for the country’s benefit, according to Swartz.
“Coming together in unity and in solidarity, Jews and Christians alike have committed to a cause which carries personal significance for many of them, and are determined to make themselves heard,” he says.
No further details have been shared for security reasons. For more information, contact SAFI at 011 645-2512.

Bishop M Benya
July 19, 2018 at 6:15 am
‘Great idea to demonstrate our unwavering support for Israel ����’