Letters/Discussion Forums

Coffee complainants keep a safe distance

Johannesburg Jewry unfortunately took an unprecedented amount of flak in the recent KosherWorld coffee shop fiasco. I assume that the Rastafarian, while drinking their coffee, displayed a peaceful demeanour and manifested no outward signs of menace or hostility.



Jack Miller

Apparently two separate Jewish citizens – well-meaning, no doubt – had the effrontery to phone in to KosherWorld expressing their fears or discomfiture.

They obviously witnessed the presence of the Rastafarians but did not have the guts to confront them themselves and subsequently went home and from a safe distance, phoned management to express their fears.

It would be interesting to know if they identified themselves or made anonymous calls and left management to face the embarrassment and notoriety on behalf of the Jews of Johannesburg who now face being termed racist.


Gresswold, Johannesburg


1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    April 28, 2015 at 3:18 pm

    ‘We need to be cautious. This incident could spark a nuclear war. NOT!!!!!’

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