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Concept of ‘chosen people’ is a racist ideology



Yossi Bogacz

Religious people continue to dwell in the past; they still discuss and learn about events that happened (or not) 2 000 years ago, like if it happened last month. I am afraid that all religions belong in the past.

Whether Waner as well as other like-minded Jews believe it or not, the fact is that Jews on the American continent are abandoning the sinking ship of Judaism en masse. 

Judaism became synonymous with suffering. We’ve had enough. It’s very sad. With the creation of the State of Israel there was an extraordinary excitement and hope of revival of the Jewish nation. Now we are left with a baggage of religious fanatics who are unable to think and cannot deal with the realities of today.

I am also bitter because I cannot become a member of the Jewish Board of Deputies nor one of the directors of the SA Jewish Report for the simple reason that I’m secular, not religious. I am bitter, thanks to the religious Jews.



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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    July 12, 2015 at 10:58 am

    ‘Don’t be bitter Yossi.We never said that we are the chosen people. Hashem said it. Be proud. There are only 18 million Jews left in the world, including people like you who are Jewish but maybe don’t want to be.’

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