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Concert kudos for Johannesburg Jewish Male Choir




This year was unique in that three local artists collaborated with visiting Cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz from New York. They presented a “Kaleidoscope of Song”, accompanied by a musical ensemble under the direction of Evelyn Green. 

There was a wide spectrum of music encompassing Hebrew, Yiddish and English. Of the 14 compositions listed in the programme brochure, 10 were new.

The choristers excelled and each of the soloists, Aryeh Leib, Ezra Sher (Pine Street Shul), Russel Lurie (Sandton Shul) and Ivor Joffe of the Marais Road Shul in Sea Point, were in control and reacted to Green’s sensitive conducting; the blend of voices was excellent.

The singing of the words of “Balalaika”, “if I forget thee Jerusalem”, transcended the boundaries of music; the ever so popular music from “Joseph” had the audience joining in.

The old time “Mama” songs were synthesised into a new compilation. The number of tissues being passed around was testimony to the success of this composition!

The heart strings of a new version of “Avinu Shebashamayim” arranged by Meir Finkelstein, brought the audience close to each other and to the Holy Land; in the last few bars the rousing sound of Hatikvah… li yot  am chofshi b’artzeinu… brought on an indescribable emotion. 

Ivor Joffe did justice to the songs of Yonatan Razel of “Katonti”, and “Ashira la-shem” fame, as well as Romania. Not to forget the Jewish wife and mother, a new “Eishet Chayi”l was sung.

Synagogue music is part of Jewish culture; a first-time composition “Umi-p’nei Chatoeinu”, sung on Holy Days and festivals, was well received as was the song “She-ma Yisrael” by Yitzy Waldner – a gentle reminder of those dark days 75 years ago.

Cantor Avron Alter was the surprise participant, singing a composition by his grandfather.

There were just too many compositions to name them all, suffice to say this was a memorable concert emphasising Jewish heritage.

The final number was a tribute to statesman Shimon Peres by the singing of “Avinu Malkeinu”, which was also sung at his funeral. The concert was narrated by the enigmatic Helen Heldenmuth.

For those who missed the concert, a CD will be available towards the end of January. Part of the proceeds from the concert will go to DH Link a remarkable group who care for unfortunate people suffering from cancer.

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1 Comment

  1. Neil Hornick

    April 29, 2018 at 10:12 am

    ‘I’m writing on behalf of my 86-year old elder brother, Brian Hornick, who’s asked me to help trace three CDs he’s after – all of the Johannesburg Jewish Male Voice Choir. He himself was a seasoned chorister who sang for many years in the London Jewish Male Voice Choir (he was also their Secretary) – with whom, I seem to recall, he once sang in South Africa. 

    Would it b e possible for you to supply me with details of JJMVC’s CDs, together with their prices and whether they can be purchased anywhere in the UK?

    Many thanks,

    Neil Hornick (London)

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