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CT’s Philip Krawitz honoured by K-Hayesod




Krawitz was one of four recipients to be recognised at Keren Hayesod’s 2015 Annual World Conference. The other three distinguished community leaders and philanthropists hailed from Hong Kong, Brazil and Switzerland respectively.

Krawitz Phillip HOMEIn his acceptance speech Krawitz told the audience, which included Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, how, as a boy, his father had shown him photographs of refugee ships passing through Cape Town harbour, filled with Jews who were unable to find sanctuary in any port, in any country. 

RIGHT: Philip and Michele Krawitz

“That reality made me realise that, whether or not Israel requires the financial support of Diaspora Jews, we as Diaspora Jews have a need to support the only country in the world that will take us in, regardless of wealth, health, age, financial status, skin colour or level of Jewish observance.”

Krawitz told Jewish Report that he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his recognition at this particular juncture but thought it was because he spearheaded the Cape Town Jewish community’s fundraising efforts during Operation Protective Edge last year when Cape Town raised the most amount of funds per capita in the world for Israel.

Krawitz, who has grown outdoor clothing retailer Cape Union Mart from a one-store operation to one of South Africa’s largest family-owned companies, is moving to a more non-executive role so he can focus his energies on philanthropy.

He is chairman of the board of the United Jewish Campaign, which raises funds for both local and Israeli causes; he is a trustee of the South African Holocaust and Genocide Foundation as well as the CSO and is a protector of the Trust of Ikamva Labantu. He has also won the SA Jewish Report’s Lifetime Achiever Award.

Krawitz was thrilled to have his wife Michele as well as two of of his daughters at the ceremony with him. One of his daughters lives in Israel.

Former SA winners include: Stanley Seeff, Russel Gaddin, Robert Kaplan, Mervyn Horwitz and Geoffrey Herman

Krawitz Phillip1
Philip receiving his award 

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  1. Bobby

    August 2, 2015 at 5:51 am

    ‘Khazari zionism once again at the fore..funnelling finds to prop up an occupier and… [Sorry, ‘Bobby’ – you can’t say that, it goes against our COMMENT GUIDELINES  -MODERATOR] go and live with the children of the book instead of bleeding us Africans dry! ? [Again  -MODERATOR]. We don’t need your thick socks and your overpriced thermal underwear! ! \n

    \nPlease note that these guidelines apply to all user-posts on this website and, as indicated, a more stringent set of rules applies to posters who prefer to hide behind a veil of anonymity.


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  2. ilyas

    August 2, 2015 at 6:36 am

    ‘Well alongside Woolworths Cape Union Mart should also be boycotted for the support of  [Sorry, ‘ilyas’ – you can’t say that, see above  -MODERATOR]


    August 2, 2015 at 10:23 am

    ‘So you are one of those supporting… [Sorry, ‘Muhammad’ – you can’t say that, see above  -MODERATOR]

  4. ahmed

    August 3, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    ‘support them as long as we are allowed to support palestine’

  5. Mohsin

    August 3, 2015 at 4:11 pm

    ‘We need to boycott all these people that Surporting Israel we must support our people ‘

  6. John Cameron

    August 4, 2015 at 7:10 am

    ‘This sounds like a pro terrorist state of Israeli site. ‘

  7. John Diaz

    August 4, 2015 at 7:13 am

    ‘The Award should go to…

    \n[Sorry, user, the balance of your comment had to be edited out as it is tantamount to incitement  -MODERATOR]

  8. anonymous

    August 8, 2015 at 7:24 am



    Sorry, Anon, we don’t allow illegal or racist remarks  -MODERATOR


  9. anonymous

    August 8, 2015 at 7:27 am

    ‘How transparent is this website? ‘

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