
D-Day has arrived for last Achievers nominees
Further, KIA SA under the leadership of CEO Ray Levin, a previous Jewish Achiever Award winner, has made a substantial contribution towards sponsorship of the community service award, which will, henceforth be known as the KIA Community Service Award.
The time is almost up for the submission of your nomination for this year’s Absa Jewish Achiever Awards – 17:00 on Friday July 18 is the unequivocal closing date. Please tell us about your favourite super-achiever, in any of the many categories.
The Lifetime Achievement Award in honour of Helen Suzman: Awarded to a Jewish person who has contributed in an extraordinary manner, in their specific field, over a lengthy period of time.
The Absa Listed Company Award: Awarded to a Jewish person in a senior leadership position within a listed company who has achieved enormous success worthy of recognition.
The Absa Unlisted Company Award: Awarded to a Jewish person who is in a senior leadership position in an unlisted company who has achieved significant success worthy of recognition.
The Absa Entrepreneur Award: Awarded to a Jewish person who has shown enormous entrepreneurial flair and business innovation.
The KIA Community Service Award: Awarded to a Jewish person who has served the Jewish community with remarkable distinction.
The Arts, Science, Sports & Culture Award: Awarded to a Jewish person who has excelled in any of the aforementioned spheres.
The Chivas Humanitarian Award in honour of Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris: Awarded to either a Jewish or non-Jewish person who has contributed substantially to the betterment of the lives of the people of South Africa.
The Business and Entrepreneurial awards are judged by a panel of independent business people, financial journalists, stockbrokers and Absa representatives, who interview all of the candidates. The results are all audited by Grant Thornton accountants.
Nominations should include: The nominee’s name, telephone number and e-mail address; the award for which the nominee is nominated; and a short motivation for the nomination. Please e-mail your nominations to nominations@sajewishreport.co.za
Previous winners of awards include Natie Kirsh (Kirsh Industries), Brian Joffe (Bidvest), Adrian Gore (Discovery), Raymond Ackerman (Pick n Pay), Asher Bohbot (EOH), Alec Wapnick (Octodec), Gill Marcus (Reserve Bank), Brett Levy (Blue Label), Steven Joffe (Gold Reef City), Philip Krawitz (Cape Union Mart), William Kirsh (Primedia), Herschel Mayers (Discovery Life), Sean Melnick (Peregrine), Abe and Solly Krok (Krok Brothers), John Copelyn (HCI), Arthur Gillis (Protea Hotels), Jeff Zidel (Resilient Properties), William Kentridge (artist), Danny K & Kabelo (Shout Campaign), Phillip Tobias (palaeoanthropologist), Ina Perlman (Operation Hunger), Johnny Clegg (musician) Dr Ali Bacher (cricket administrator) and Pieter-Dirk Uys (satirist).
The awards, in the past, have also honoured both former President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu for their contribution to South Africa.