Letters/Discussion Forums

DA’s Maimane wrongly accused by media

I have read the open letter to the Democratic Alliance MPs and I have read the newspaper report on what apparently was stated by DA leader Mmusi Maimane (regarding the DA’s stance on Israel and the Palestinian territories).



Michael Bagraim MP

Firstly, it must be noted that clearly the report (which intimated that the DA would have to rethink its Israel policy) was wrong as the few people who I have spoken to who were present at (Gauteng DA MPL) Jack Bloom’s book launch in Johannesburg (where the remarks were said to have been made), have said that the purported recording was absolutely incorrect.

Secondly, the DA stance has always been and still is in support of the parliamentary stance of a two-state solution (for the Mideast crisis). Dr Bryna Lewis of Port Elizabeth is confusing the stance of the ANC with the stance of government, which is completely different. My understanding is that the ACDP has also supported a two-state solution.

In the scheme of things, Middle Eastern politics should not be a hot topic in South Africa, but unfortunately there are certain individuals who want to bring an anti-Israel agenda into every debate and discussion. I understand why Dr Lewis is upset, and I am happy to engage with her on the DA stance at any time. I value my friendship with Bryna Lewis and it would hurt me to see a misquote somehow interfering with our long and trusted association.

 Cape Town

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