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Letters/Discussion Forums

Dagga usage may be a trigger for many major ills



Martin Zagnoev. Sunningdale Ridge, Johannesburg

There must be good reason why marijuana is banned in virtually every country in the world. It is also well known that regular users struggle with motivation. Many move onto harder drugs.

Marijuana use could also bring out schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

Like drinking and gambling, it can be harmless fun for many people. Others will develop serious problems with alcohol, gambling or dagga smoking. It is almost like playing Russian Roulette when trying these things.

Criminalising the users is usually counter-productive because they have enough problems as it is. They mostly need love, not criminal records or rejection. It is the dealers who should be prosecuted more harshly.

If there are any medical applications for the use of dagga, let us be guided by science rather than folklore so that it can be used properly.


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  1. Grant Crankshaw

    November 10, 2016 at 1:32 pm

    ‘I must disagree with you Martin – Your POV is antiquated and out of date. Sure, some people may get ‘messed up’ by using it, but sure we should focus on the vast majority of good it is doing as medication in curing a multitude of ills – affordably and naturally.
    \n     ‘

  2. Martin Zagnoev

    November 16, 2016 at 6:44 am

    ‘Thanks for your opinion Grant. As you said: ‘some people may get messed up by using it’. It is those who we must be concerned about. For others it is harmless fun. There is a trend for some to downplay it’s damage. This has even become a sort of reverse snobbishness. But let us see in 5 years if this trend continues when the harm it does surfaces.’

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