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Letters/Discussion Forums

Daitz’s research lacks independent balance



Allan Wolman

There have been a number of responses to Daitz’s articles, with some of her colleagues accusing those writers of demonising Daitz. Perhaps those springing to her defence view argument and criticism as “demonising”.

Why Daitz needs Shereen Usdin and David Saunders to write on her behalf, is a puzzle. However and not to be seen “demonising” these good folk, surely they would indulge in some counter-argument and criticism? No doubt Daitz, Usdin and Saunders will all agree that there are three sides to every story  theirs, mine and somewhere in between, the truth.

Both Saunders and Usdin, have quoted Ilan Pappe, professor of history at Exeter University, referring to “authoritative documents now contained in Israeli military archives”. Some would argue that Pappe’s research “is manipulating evidence to fit a doubtful theory”.

There are other historians who would certainly argue a different case based on investigation of those same documents. I could recommend a host of well-qualified historians including, the late Sir Martin Gilbert CBE, professor of history at Oxford University and Churchill’s official biographer, among others.

But the point is that Daitz et al are only looking through one window and ignoring any other authoritative view. As a researcher, Daitz’s training must demand this.

All three have made a number of accusations aimed at the “Palestinian Jews” as they were called at that time, about ethnic cleansing; if such things happened they would surely be able to quote some reliable source other than Pappe’s sighting of documents, documents that they themselves have not viewed?

Again they claim that Gaza is the largest open-air prison in the world, but they don’t tell the whole story: Aren’t there two jailers to that prison? Why do they only mention one?

Surely they are aware of Egypt’s complicity in the blockade of Gaza and surely they read somewhere how Egypt destroyed thousands of homes in Gaza clearing a one kilometre no-go zone on the Rafa crossing?


Rosebank, Johannesburg

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  1. nat cheiman

    June 10, 2015 at 3:12 pm

    ‘Surely we need to start at the beginning. Not the middle nor the end. The torah has all the answers as to who the land belongs to.’

  2. abu mamzer

    June 11, 2015 at 7:23 am

    ‘Viva JNF VIVA!

    Poor old eponymous Heidi \”\”  Gruenbaum.\”\”..attacking the JNF and it’s beautiful forests with such a name!

    Let’s commemorate the lives of those 21 Golani  soldiers who fell in battle in 1948 fighting for the Lubya hilltop.

    What bothers me about David Saunders and Shereen Usdin is their kneejerk defence(as in the Jews for a Just Piece,letters to the editor etc etc of all the Palestinian war crimes.’

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