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Dani Hovsha is new SAUJS national chairman




SAUJS’ annual election took place on Sunday October 4, and, according to the newly-appointed national media officer, Aron Suttner, turned into “one of the most competitive elections in recent years”.

Most of the positions were contested, he says “and the elections had an aura of excitement with all the possibilities for the coming year.”

Hovsha said: “I have been on the national committee for two years. I’m ready to lead this committee, represent Jewish students and help grow the South African Jewish community.” Hovsha’s new team is united in this goal and excited to represent the Jewish students on campuses nationwide as well as support the SAUJS teams at Wits, UJ, Tuks and UCT. 

“Our goal is to make Jewish students feel strong and represented as well as being valuable members to South African society as a whole,” said Hovsha.

The new SAUJS committee is:

  • National chairman: Dani Hovsha
  • Vice-chairman: Aly Schneider
  • Treasurer – Marom Mishan
  • National director – Jaden Cramer
  • Community officer- Yudi Leibovitz
  • African affairs- Ruby Ichikowitz
  • Social officer- Tyler Epstein
  • Media officer- Aron Suttner
  • Political officer – Sebi Cohen
  • Special projects officer – Gabriel Zollmann
  • Women officer – Rachel Raff
  • Religious officer- Yair Katz
  • Zionist officer- Cassandra Mayekiso
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