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Death to America, Death to Israel




Khamenei attacks

The following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday July 19, as communicated from his office to Jewish Report:

bibi - dec 14“If someone thought that the extraordinary concessions to Iran would lead to a change in its policy, they received an unequivocal answer over the weekend in Iranian ruler Khamenei’s aggressive and contrary speech.

RIGHT: Bibi not happy at all

“The Iranians aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they will use the hundreds of billions that they will receive under this agreement in order to arm their terror machine and they are clearly saying that they will continue their struggle against the US and its allies, first among them being Israel, of course.

“Today Iran is arming terrorist organisations with missiles – tomorrow they will have the ability to arm them and themselves with much deadlier weapons.

“The agreement that was signed, paves Iran’s way to arm itself with nuclear weapons within a decade, if Iran decides to honour the agreement, and before then if it decides to violate it, as it usually does.

“The alternative to this failed agreement, which we proposed repeatedly, is the continuation and strengthening of the sanctions on Iran and conditioning the lifting of the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear programme, and the lifting of the pressure on Iran, only if it changes its policy. As long as the Iranian leadership is encouraging calls of ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’, there is no reason to make any concessions to them.”

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  1. nat cheiman

    July 20, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    ‘Whack them. Its coming. Ayatollahs are going to plow the fields again like in the old days. Smart a*** Iranians with tinpot rulers and a navy made out of old sardine cans.  ‘

  2. Jonni

    July 21, 2015 at 5:36 am

    ‘This is actually frightening and I don’t know how Nat can be so Gung Ho.

    I bet he has never fought in a war and doesn’t understand it’s impacts on individuals,their families and their communities.

    Please G-D may peace be upon us

  3. Denis Solomons

    July 21, 2015 at 5:54 am

    ‘Death to Khameini !’

  4. nat cheiman

    July 21, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    ‘Jonni, I was in the airforce in ’69. There was a war on our borders. I am not a shirker nor a coward. Wars have to be fought because of radical Islam and Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah and Al shabaab and boko Haram and Egypt and Syria and Jordan, and BDS and Mcebo Dlamini and Adolf Hitler etc etc. I did not make the rules .They did.
    \nI say whack them or nuke them. Whichever is quicker and less costly.
    \nWars are not nice but try and explain that to radical Islam and Hitler etc.
    \nI have no conception at all what you are thinking when it comes to preserving Israel and the Jews.
    \nJews have been fighting for thousands of years and will continue until the rest of mankind leaves us alone.
    \nPerhaps you may not fight but I will, the same as many thousands of Jews before me.
    \nWar is necessary . Extremely, in order to survive. You, my friend will not have a choice.’

  5. Jonni

    July 23, 2015 at 1:00 am

    ‘Nat, you have misconstrued my comment which has

    gone right above your head.

    What about the prayer \”Oseh Shalom Bimromav ……\”

    instead of this warmongering.

    Glad to hear that you are not a coward which is irrelevant in this case’

  6. nat cheiman

    July 24, 2015 at 11:07 am

    ‘Jonni, I bow to your superior knowledge but I am a little concerned about 52:177 of the Hadith Bukhari ( in the Qúran) and what it says that Islamists must do to the Jews.

    And Al Baghdadi also, the Is leader confirms that Islam is a religion of war.

    With these texts and insane utterings, what do you think we as Jews should do? Lie down? Maybe my warmongering is an option. Read the hatred contained in most of the Qúran . There is another way of avoiding death by Islamists. Convert and learn the Qúran by heart. In the meantime, I will be in the front line with a nuke.  ‘

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