Diller teens paint Joburg blue
Every year, two weeks before Pesach, 16 Israeli Diller communities travel to their respective diaspora partner communities, where they are hosted by local teens for 10 days. The teenagers are Diller Teen Fellows, a select group of Jewish 10th and 11th Graders from six continents and 32 communities, who are invited to step up, lead their communities, and help to repair the world.
The Johannesburg Diller Teen Fellows and the South African Zionist Federation welcomed their partners from Bet Shemesh-Mateh Yehuda for one of the highlights of the year – the Jewish Communities Mifgash (encounter).
The goals of the programme are threefold: to educate Israeli teens about the vibrancy and lifestyle of Jewish communities and countries abroad, to allow Israeli and diaspora groups to bond, and to allow the two groups to work together to plan their Israel experience in July.
Over the course of their visit, the Israeli teens were shown the best of what Johannesburg and its Jewish community had to offer.
They also engaged with the community as they visited shuls, schools, and held a panel discussion with community leaders. The teens showed passion, skill, and generosity by running an activity for the Grade 10s at King David Victory Park, as well spending a day painting a house and engaging with children at Afrika Tikkun’s centre in Orange Farm.
The highlight was the Shabbaton at Hunter’s Rest. Over three days, the Israeli and South African groups had fun, bonded, learnt about the Jewish people, and planned their visit to Bet Shemesh in July.