
Din of confusion

As a secular Jew, I am somewhat bemused by the stand the Beth Din has taken against Limmud.



Chaim Myerson, Cape Town

Beth Din branches do what’s convenient for them to do.

According to the Johannesburg Beth Din, you cannot be a mashgiach (kosher supervisor) if you are not shomer Shabbat (Shabbat observant). According to the Cape Town Beth Din, you don’t need to be shomer Shabbat to be a mashgiach.

Seems to me there is confusion within the Beth as to what is the Din.


1 Comment

  1. Rabbi Desmond Maizels

    July 8, 2019 at 9:12 pm

    ‘As a Dayan on the Cape Beth Din and the Head of its Kashrut Department, I was absolutely flabbergasted to read Chaim Myerson’s wild and mischievious claim regarding the Cape Beth Din’s requirements for a mashgiach. Our FIRST requirement is that a mashgiach MUST be Shomer Shabbat.

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