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Dispatches from the Israeli front – Thurs pm

I was thinking to myself that we are in a state of “new normal”. It has become normal for me to carry on with my work while hearing the booms of Iron Dome doing her thing. A ground offensive seems imminent with 40 000 reservists called up. Our friends, son’s, brothers, lovers are the army of Israel, with steely eyed determination, they will protect us.




As I write today’s dispatch, the code red app on my phone beeps with the alert of sirens and where they are situated. It reads like a roll call of Israeli cities. Just today Code Red has sounded in Tel Aviv, Dimona, Sderot, Rehovot, Lod, Ramle, Beit Shemesh, Ahkelon, Ashdod, Gush Dan and more.

Sirens send hundreds of thousands of us running for shelter and with rockets that have reached as far as Zichron Yaakov, 3.5 million of us are targets for Hamas terrorists who have lobbied nearly 400 rockets at us in a week.

We are in day three of Operation Protective Edge (in Hebrew, Mivtzah Tzuk Eitan), a military offensive aimed at putting an end to Hamas’ terror infrastructure for once and for all. All Israelis are showing the love for our IAF (Israeli Air Force) the Iron Dome system which is systematically intercepting these rockets.

I was thinking to myself that we are in a state of “new normal”. It has become normal for me to carry on with my work while hearing the booms of Iron Dome doing her thing. A ground offensive seems imminent with 40 000 reservists called up. Our friends, son’s, brothers, lovers are the army of Israel, with steely eyed determination, they will protect us.

It is very sobering and we pray Hashem keep them safe. My phone beeps again. Code Red in Be’er Sheva. These are difficult times but we remain steadfast, strong and resilient.

May we have a swift and strong victory.

  • Rolene Marks made Aliyah in 2010 and lives in Modiin. She is a regular contributor to SAJR-Online and her BLOGS and OTHER WRITINGS can be found at these links. She is a member of SA’s Media Team Israel and she can be heard on Chai FM every Monday. Rolene will be in SA later this month to launch the brand new global Zionist Spring movement with Ruchama Avraham who will speak in CT on 22 & Joburg on 24 July. Admission is free but advanced RSVP is required from: info@zionistspring.org

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