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Letters/Discussion Forums

Don’t judge Krengel’s silence until you know the facts



Name also withheld by request, Johannesburg

To me it’s sad that you have left South Africa, albeit for another wonderful country, but still seem to concern yourself with what happens here.

We’re fine! We have the most outstanding Jewish community and are protected by the likes of Wendy Kahn, Avrom Krengel and Zev Krengel, to name just a few.

While most of their peers have left to seek their fortunes elsewhere, they have stayed in South Africa, and on a daily basis they are guarding and fighting for the interests of our very special Jewish community.

Perhaps you should not be so quick to judge how Zev reacted at the voting session until you know the complete story. From my understanding, he was not officially included in the invitation to attend that particular session, hence his reluctance to speak.

Perhaps you should rather worry more about what is happening in your life and country, and leave those of us who have chosen to stay in South Africa to worry about any problems we may have.

We should all thank Wendy, Avrom, Zev and the others who’ve stayed for their tireless efforts to protect South Africa’s Jewish community,



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1 Comment

  1. Rafi Plotkin - Thornhill,Toronto

    February 2, 2018 at 4:51 am

    ‘The fact that I have left South Africa does not preclude me from having an opinion on what happens there.We still have ties to the land of our birth,including family and friends,and worry about all its people.

    Your fallacious argument would therefor exclude you and The South African Zionist Federation from expressing opinions concerning Israel.

    Those of us who left South Africa would appear to have overcome our parochialism.

    We left South Africa because of our opposition to apartheid and not for seeking a fortune.( I wonder if you are secretly jealous of those who did emigrate to foreign shores  for whatever motive )’

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