
Don’t visit Israel – except if you want to learn about water

President Jacob Zuma, among his many accomplishments, is also a hypocrite. All government employees are dissuaded from visiting Israel. Presently (?), there are dozens of water engineers/technologists from Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London and maybe even from Blikkiesdorp in Israel, learning from the world experts.



Jack Miller, Johannesburg

The Israelis recycle in excess of 80 per cent of their water and are champions of recycling, reclamation and desalination.

So, why doesn’t Zuma recall them and throw them into jails and let them languish there for being naughty boys, and before they can apply their new-found knowledge in fields such as desalination, reclamation and recycling and also what they have learnt about drip irrigation, invented by Israelis, and other important concepts in saving water.

Sorry to say, it is just another matter of which the President is ignorant and unaware.

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