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Don’t take a second for granted



One of the stories that touched me deeply from 7 October is that of Yehuda Becher, who sang the beautiful song of Elokai Neshama on his way to the Nova festival where he was murdered. He eerily sang the words “G-d gives us each a soul, that is pure, He safeguards it in us, and then eventually takes it back, as long as it is within us, we thank Him gratefully.”

This song is a beautiful prayer that we say every single morning when we thank G-d for returning our soul, for the daily rebirth that we are granted.

We need to understand how significant it is to wake up. Just the very fact that you woke up this morning means G-d has a purpose that He needs you for today. Each day that you wake up you are reborn, with new opportunity and potential. Sadly, 1 200 people lost this good fortune on 7 October when they were murdered. But they did not die for nothing, they died in the holiest way, in the name of being a Jew.

This year, when Hashem transcribes us in the book of life, we have to reflect on the sacrifice of our fellow Jews and take this opportunity for renewal, to grow personally, and sacrifice ourselves in small ways in their merit and in the merit of the safety of our fellow Jews still suffering. The bottom line is, if you are a Jew, you are a target regardless of where you live, thus each of us is a survivor. Although the war is not over, we will continue to survive and grow in many ways individually and as a nation.

This month of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah is a perfect opportunity to tap into personal growth and expansion. And as we do it, we carry the responsibility of the chance to achieve a new level of self-magnification. This year, we have a reinforced mission to stand strong for those who cannot, and to live out the dreams that they did not have the option to accomplish. I am entering Rosh Hashanah with a different mindset – that no second should be taken for granted – and with a sense of gratitude for every time I get to eat, sleep, and laugh with my friends. I do this in the memory of the many who lost this opportunity, lost their friends or family, and lost the lives they once knew.

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