Letters/Discussion Forums

Dr Pandor, why do you want a Bantustan in the Middle East?



Dr Naledi Pandor, Gaza has been independent since 2005. As Gaza’s southern border is on the border with Egypt, Gaza is of interest to the African Union. Israel is on Gaza’s northern border, so Israel is indirectly associated with the African Union, via Gaza.

In 1973, there was a civil war in Jordan. An “illegal” land claim to the West Bank, occupied by Jordan from 1948 to 1967, was ceded to Jordanian terrorists to end the Jordanian civil war.

Now, in South Africa, we know that Bantustans don’t work. So, why do you want a Bantustan in the Middle East – a Bantustan between independent Gaza and the former Jordanians?

As the Palestinian issue started only after the Jordanian civil war, Jordan was and is the Palestinian state. Lobbying for a United Nations mandate for Egypt to once again administer Gaza is constructive.

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